Chapter 10 - Will you be my princess?

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~~~JET POV ~~~

“Ok Dr’, so let me wrap my head around this. I have to inject insulin into my body every hour?”

“Jet, You do not need to inject yourself with insulin. You have Type 2 Diabetes. Which means that you are non-insulin dependent, so you have to control you blood sugar levels with food and drink.”

“Though you will need to check your blood sugar levels every hour or when ever you think that you are getting low.”

“Well how come it is only coming up now! I’m 17 years of age for the love of God. How come they haven’t realized this before hand!! ARGH!!”

“Jet. There is no need to get angry. I’m only here to hel---“

“How about you leave or I will discharge myself! DEAL!!”

As Dr Grahame leaves the room I cannot believe how cranky I have become. How on earth am I meant to ‘test my blood sugar levels’ when I don’t even know how?  As the door began to creak open, I couldn’t bare to see anyone at the moment.

“Last thing Mr Grey. Ill send a nurse in, in 15 minutes to show you  how to test you BSL’s.”

And it had to be him!! ARGH!!



“ARGH Leave me alone!” I screamed!!

“Well, hello to you to!” Amber said sarcastically as she bent down and planted a kiss on my lips.

“What was that for? But im not rejecting it!” I said. I couldn’t wipe the smile off my face. Amber just kissed me!

“Well lets say that I have been wanting to do that for a while now!”

“You know that your perfect!”

“Hardly from it! But if you think so… I’m perfect!”

“You are!! Now I have a question to ask you?” I could see her facial reaction that she instantly went to me asking her to be my girlfriend. But I just couldn’t I had it all planned out.


“Yes, Jet” He face was showing complete emotions that she had no idea what I was going to say. But hey she is perfect!

“Do you recon that you could be my princess?” I asked with complete hope dripping from that question.

“Jet, what do you mean? We are way too young to get married. I’m not ready to be a mother. I need time. You want to marry me? You want me to be your princess… does that mean running in an hijacking Buckingham Palace from the royals cause I don’t think I could do that! I have no track record. Apart from my actual track record. I was a start throughout middle school!”

“Amber- Breathe! I was actually asking you to homecoming with me. I know that it is last minute but I cannot resist! I need you as my princess!! So what do you say?”

~~~ AMBER POV ~~~

My brain is trying to rack its self around this. Jet. Jet Grey, just asked me to homecoming!!! ARGH! Wait he needs a reply. His face is going pale. I can sense how nervous he is.

I needed to give him a reply. But I couldn’t open my mouth because all that would come out would be screams…

How would Jet approach this situation?...

“Princess what do you say?” I can hear how eager he is!


As I leaned in I couldn’t take the smile off my face and he was grinning uncontrollably. He knew what I was about to say.

About half way through the passionate kiss I had to pull away so that I could breathe. And I also managed to give him the answer that he was always after. “Yes!”

As I leaned back into the kiss a big grin sprung across his lips and I knew that was the answer that he was after.

As I lie there on his bed the door flung open and my mum stood there.. SHIT SHIT SHIT!!



Thanks for all the support guys I hit 1’000 reads last night and I got really excited! And my friends had no idea what the hell I was on about.


I NEED  A NEW COVER!! The one I have no is very bland I need something exciting!

Feel free to send me some covers through KIK or message me and the next chapter shall be dedicated to you.

Don’t forget to vote/ comment/ share!

Feel free to kik me &   …ChloeAnne…


MWAH!!! Xxxx


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