Chapter Four

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A/N thank you to SophieOsgood for the beautiful cover! It's amazing!


Summer went through pretty quickly. Jeanine filled up her free time with visiting Lyla, Angie and Harold, buying the books for Hogwarts, reading, eating and walking around town. Her parents still hadn't explained where the Owler was or what they did with it, but she lost my hopes of finding out.
As the last week of summer was coming near, the girl became even more excited to be finally going to Hogwarts. She was still bummed that Harold had to go to Pottem, but was happy that she could go to her dream school with two of her best friends.

A few days before school started, Jeanine and her parents flooed to Diagon Alley, one of the oldest streets where you could buy Wizarding equipment, to buy a wand and new robes. The street wasn't as crowded and busy as she imagined it to be. The first shop they entered was Madam Malkin's Robes for all Occasions. There weren't any other customers, so the robes were fit quickly and the girl could go get her wand at Ollivander's.

The shop looked the same as it looked when Jeanine's parents went to school (at least that's what she imagined from what they told her). The white walls were slowly turning grey from the dusty air. The polished shelves contained many many and even more rectangular boxes than imaginable. A man in his mid-40 stood up from behind the desk and with swift moves, walked over to the girl and her parents, greeting them with a tight handshake.

"Welcome Ms Malfoy. I've been expecting you to come soon." the man said as Jeanine walked over to the counter. "Please extend your wand arm."

She extended her left hand to the man and he measured it quickly. Then, he left into the forest of shelves full of wand boxes. Soon, he came out holding two boxes covered in a layer of dust. He opened one of them. Inside was a white, plain, polished wand. He picked it up with his fingertips and gave it to the girl. Seconds after grabbing it, the man snatched the and out of the girl's hand.

   "Not this one, not this one." He murmured to himself. This process was repeated more ten times. After the eleventh, Jeanine felt exhausted.

While the man was searching for more wands to try, she sat down on a chair next to one of the shelves. Suddenly, a quiet rumbling could be heard. At first the girl thought she was imagining things, but it grew louder and louder until Mr Ollivander came out with a shaking box in his hands.

"I wonder..." he muttered to himself. He placed the box on the counter and opened the lid. Inside of it was a dark brown, polished wand with Phoenix feathers carved at the bottom of it. The man carefully took out the wand.

"Ms Malfoy, we do not make Elder wood wands here, however years ago my grandfather made one by the request of a mysterious man. He asked it to be made of Elder wood with a Thestral hair core, 13 and 3/4 inches, rigid flexibility. He asked it to be given only to a wizard, who tries so many wands, but none of them are right." The man explained. "As he was leaving, he mentioned that the wand will call out it it's owner. We've been holding onto it for three generations now. It called out to you." He finished and gave the wand to Jeanine. She took it slowly and then grabbed it tightly. It felt warm, a bit like it was vibrating against the girl's skin. Ollivander let out a gasp.

"Ms Malfoy, this wand chose you!" the man said, sounding a bit scared. "It's destined to go to you, but you must know, Ms Malfoy, Elder wood wands with Thestral hair cores are extremely powerful. The users of those wands are known amongst all wizards. All of them had done a great deal of change. This wand is one of the most powerful wands that was ever made."

As Jeanine heard the last sentence, she froze, not knowing what to say. She was speechless. The most powerful wand? Users of those wands become historical figures? She was just a wizard, nothing more. She was a normal girl. She couldn't be destined for a special wand.


As Jeanine left the shop with her parents, she didn't speak. Knowing she had one of the most powerful wands ever made was a great weight on her shoulders. What would she do with the power? She had so many questions, but they couldn't be answered. No one could know about the wand. No one.


A/N sorry for the short chapter. I hope you're not mad at me... :/

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