Chapter Six

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Jeanine sat up straight and wiped the few tears that escaped from her eyes. In the door stood a slender boy with black untidy hair and large blue eyes full of happiness.

"Are you okay?" he asked. "I saw you rush in here. You looked sad and worried. I wanted to make sure you were alright."

"I'm okay, thanks. Just had a panic attack." Jeanine smiled at the kind boy.

"That's good. Mind if I sit here?" he asked, pointing at the spare seats.

"Not at all, go ahead. I'm Jeanine, by the way. Jeanine Malfoy." she stuck out her hand.

"I'm Lysander Wilson, but you can call me Ly." he shook her hand. "It's nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too."

The two sat in silence, glancing out of the window at the passing wizards.

"You look like you're waiting for someone." Lysander broke the silence between them.

"Yes, two of my friends. We know each other from PreSchool." Jeanine replied mindlessly.

"Do you want me to go? I don't want to seem like an intruder in your group." he stood up.

"No, stay, please. I mean, if you want. You won't be intruding." she said quickly.

"Are you sure?" Lysander asked.

"Yes." Jeanine replied quickly. Ly reminded her so much of Harold, being in his presence filled a hole in her heart.

Suddenly the compartment door opened again and in stepped Angie and Lyla.

"We've been looking for you everywhere!" Angie exclaimed. "How are yo-" she stopped when she noticed the presence of Lysander.

"That's Lysander Wilson." Jeanine told her confused friends.

"I'm Lyla Blue." Lyla smiled at the boy and plopped down onto a seat.

"I'm Angie Castler." Angie smiled too and sat down. "You're making progress, Jeanine. You've made a friend in less than a day. Last time it took three months."

Jeanine blushed.

"Three months? Wasn't it four?" Lyla teased her.

"Be. Quiet." Jeanine muttered.

"No, I think it was five." Angie continued.

"Please ignore them." Jeanine told Lysander before she hid her face in her hands.


The trainride was quite short. Only one hour. In that span of time, though, Jeanine, Lyla, Angie and Lysander had a fun time. The sky wasn't dark yet, but it was slowly getting there.

As the four stepped off the train, a voice boomed over the chatter of the older students.


It was a squeaky female voice coming from a short large woman. She wore bright yellow robes that looked like they were a bit (or maybe way) too big. Her lips were pursed and her eyes looked piercing, as if she was looking into everybody's souls.

The four friends stepped onto a small, shallow boat, which was, weirdly, very dry.

"I read about these boats." Jeanine remembered. "They are said to have an anti-wet charm and they don't fall over."

"Don't listen to her, Lysander. She reads too much and then brags that she knows everything." Angie joked.

"I actually found that quite interesting." Ly retorted. "I've read about Hogwarts a bit too. There were many interesting facts but what intrigued me the most is that the corridors constantly keep changing."

"Then how do you move around without getting lost?" Lyla asked.

"Don't tell me you too." Angie whined, but she was completely ignored.

"The book said that after a while you learn the pattern of how to figure out the way, but at first the moving paintings on the walls help you." Lysander said.

"Are you done exchanging fun facts?" Angie asked.

"Yes, we are. But I dare you tell me that what Ly said wasn't interesting." Jeanine crossed her arms daringly.

Angie just stuck out her tongue at the Malfoy and kept silent.


The first years stepped off the boats onto the hard ground. They couldn't see the castle yet as it was covered with a thick layer of trees.

"FOLLOW ME THROUGHT THE FOREST. DON'T GET LOST." the woman with the squeaky voice spoke again. As the afternoon was slowly ending, Jeanine realised why the yellow robes were so important. The shadow of the forest combined with the dimness of the natural light made would have made it hard to follow the woman, but the robes helped.

As the group walked out of the deep forest, the sight they witnessed made everyone freeze in awe. The castle was ginormous with four soaring towers and numberless small ones. The numerous windows in all shapes and sizes glimmered in the dusk. Beside the great castle the Quidditch pitch was located with its high goalpoasts. All that was being reflected in the vast lake called the Angel's Lake.

"It looks-" someone started.

"-incredible..." another first year finished.

"NOW, NOW. DO NOT SLOW DOWN." the squeaky voiced woman broke the special moment, "MOVE ALONG KIDS, MOVE ALONG!"

The castle was nearer and nearer. Even though Jeanine was excited to go to Hogwarts, she still felt that sick feeling in her stomach. She wanted to run away, but she didn't know why.

"Are you alright?" Ly asked Jeanine.

"Yes, why would you think I'm not okay?" she questioned.

"You look a bit peaky." he stated.

"I'm just a bit nervous." Jeanine said.



The first years walked into the castle right behind the short woman. She lead them into a big square room with a chandelier hanging in the middle and three round windows on all sides.


"I can't wait to get Sorted!" Lyla grinned, when she turned to talk to her friends. "Which house are you hoping to get into?"

"I heard the Slytherins live in the dungeons and have the coolest common room ever with water right outside their window." Angie declared.

"I really want to be Sorted into Ravenclaw. I heard they have the best view onto Hogsmeade and they have a large supply of books." Lyla professed.

"In my opinion, Hufflepuffs have the best common room. It still has natural light, but it's not too high off the ground. And I heard that they have the comfiest sofas." Lysander said.

"I want to be in Gryffindor. I heard all those amazing stories about the common rooms and the trips to them from my grandparents I truly want to experience that myself." Jeanine told the three.

"I don't care what house we get Sorted into as long as we stay together." Angie said happily.

The door of the room opened again and the lady with the squeaky voice led them towards the Great Hall.


A/N two chapters in a day? I'm killing it! And it's all for you all because you make me smile every day when I read your comments and see your votes. And I didn't want to make you wait another week to see who entered the compartment. I've got a question: What do you think of Lysander? Do you like him, hate him, feel indifferent about him, are intrigued about him?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2018 ⏰

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