Chapter ( 2 )

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Larissa and Christian are talking .
Larissa : how old are you ?
Christian : 17 , what about you ?
Larissa : same as you .
Christian : you look so shy , you can be comfortable talking with me , if you like we can go sit there ( a small resturant ) .
Larissa : okay , looks good .
Christian : do you have a boyfriend ?
Larissa : no , i am not into these things ?
Christian : these things ? , its called love .
" Larissa smiles "
Christian : why are you smiling ?
Larissa : i don't know , its my first time talking to a strange man and i feel shy .
Christian : i guess i am not a stranger anymore , can you give me your number so we can go out soon ?
" they took each others numbers and agreed to go on a date "
" three days later "
Christian and Larissa went on a date together . While they were talking , Christian asked a question and Larissa's reply was ( YES ! ) .
Christian : from the first time i saw you i felt that you are the right girl for me , im so happy right now !
Larissa : to be honest , i've never been so happy like this before !
Christian : that means i can call you my girlfriend now ?
Larissa : yes .
" one year has passed , one year of love , faith and romance , but will things be the same when someone enters there life and changes everything ? "

Sanal , a twenty years old young women , who has changed their life .

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2016 ⏰

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