Chapter 1: First Day Disaster

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I jolted up from my bed sweating like a pig from my sudden dream. I slammed my hand down the alarm clock and groaned on my pillow, realizing what day it was. Today is my first day of college. Just thinking about it made me nauseous.

Reluctantly I sat up on my warm bed only for the cold air to greet me. I sneered walking to my bathroom. Running over to my shower I swiftly took off all my clothing with one swift movement. I was late and everyone in the house knew that I despised being late.

But firstly, let's be honest here, shall we? I'm not like other girls, as cliche as that sounds. I lost my father when I was 8 which caused me to move to California for a little while, but now I'm back to Cheshire, England my hometown. I live with my mum and my sister Frankie. I guess I could just say I'm Elena, no more, no less.

I lazily got dressed and looked at myself in the mirror. "This is as good as it's gonna get," I sighed. I scurried downstairs and I noticed my sister, Frankie wearing fashionable clothes while I, well I was wearing my favorite McFly t-shirt and a pair of skinny jeans. Both me and her simultaneously rolled our eyes at each other's outfit.

"Are you seriously gonna wear that?" She scoffed folding her arms together.

"Are you seriously gonna wear that?" I emphasized, mocking her.

"You do know that we're both late right?" She snorted.

"Oh wow since when did you became smart Frankie?" I fakely gasped.

We said our goodbye to mum and silently walked to school. The school was a 5 minute walk from our house so we were halfway there.

"I can't wait to look at out timetable!" She excitedly said. I rolled my eyes at her.

"Why aren't you excited? We're back in Englad, you should be ecstatic!" She scrunched her face in confusion.

"What am I supposed to be excited about? Tell me Frankie, for all we know the people here are obnoxious," I muttered while walking down the hallways. 

So here I am walking the halls of Beckenham University. You see at this 'university' you have to run to the specific locker you want because the teachers are too freaking lazy to assign you one. Anyway, I was glad I got my schedule already because this is war.

This university is a battlefield alright. I focused in finding a locker. Mostly around the library since I'm always around there. Skipping half running there I saw one locker left and it was right next to the library. I did a happy dance in my mind - but then I saw a hand.

Before I even knew it my legs were running like crazy. I could not afford to find another locker. And I certainly wouldn't want to give this locker away. The library is basically my sanctuary. Who does this fool think he is?  Thinking of taking my locker? He can piss right off.

Unfortunately, he reached my locker first. "Nooo," I screamed. "How dare you I spotted this first!" I continued, glaring at him.

"What?" he nonchalantly asked.

"You better move pretty boy, this is my locker okay. Now go move somewhere else." Okay I wasn't exageratting when I said pretty boy, he is indeed hot. He's got curly hair that I would love to run my fingers through, sea green eyes and the cutest set of dimples I've ever seen.

"I won't move." Okay wow, he's got balls to fight back. I want this locker and I refuse to give it to this arrogant jack-ass.

“Douche.” I whispered, hoping he didn’t hear.

“Bitch.” I heard him say. Well I guess he heard, he came closer.

“Fuck off.” I replied.

“Which spot Babe?” I groaned and pushed him away.

“Uhhh, come Elena let’s just get to class before we get late.” Frankie said trying to stop us. Oh right, my sister. I let her drag me to our first period which was Homeroom, thankfully. 

"What was that?" She shouted at me.

"I'm sorry to interrupt but is someone going to sit here?" A thick british voice asked. His thumb pointing to a chair right beside us.

"No, go ahead." I smiled. He looked friendly.

"As I was saying-" Frankie started.

"Hey my name is Louis Tomlinson, you can call me Louis for short!" The guy said cutting Frankie off.

"Oh cool my name is Frankie and this is my sister Elena." Frankie smiled. She didn't even seemed a bit bothered by Louis' cutting her off.

"So where are you guys from? You sound weird."  He bluntly asked.

"Rude. Can you please go away-" I joked.

"But not in a bad way!" Louis said clearly cutting me off. He likes cutting people's sentences off doesn't he?

"I was just kidding around, don't worry. And yeah we're originaly from here but our dad died from a car crash and we decided to move to California but we came back for college of course." I spilled. I don't usually talk about my dad this easily but this guy just have this vibe which makes me want to spill my secrets. Even the darkest ones.

We chatted for a while and when the teacher came he asked us to introduce ourselves, nothing much. The day passed by very quick. And I was glad I finally made a friend. I've never had a friend to be frankly honest, well except for my sister.

I arrived home at arround 3pm. I watched movies just to relax a little, and gave myself a long hot bath. After getting myself cleaned. Me, my sister, and my mum had dinner. We talked about the simpliest things such as our mum's work and our first day at college. After dinner me and Frankie volunteered to just clean the dishes since my mum was tired from work and all. I brushed my teeth and prepared myself to call it a night, and all I could think of was,

"That douche better give me my locker back!"


As I said before, "I'm not a pro in writing, sorry!" This is actually my first time writing a fan fiction. And to be honest? It's freaking hard okay. I won't deny the fact that there are a lot of flaws in my writing and I wanna say sorry for that. I'm just starting so please bear with me! I would love to recieve any comments/opinions about my story.


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