Chapter 12: I Will Not Fuck You

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"What did you say?!" I screamed.

"Look-" I cut him off.

"What do you mean look?!" I started hitting him.

"Will you just stop hitting me and let me explain?! For godsake Elena will you stop being abusive?!" He yelled raising his hands in frustration.

"I refuse to stop hitting you! What do you mean I won't let you go home?!" I mocked faking his deep voice.

"I just can't okay-" He started explaining.

"Do you want me to put you in a box on a floating river?! I will sue you Styles! I kid you not! I will fucking sue you!" I started swearing.

"Let me fucking explain." He covered my mouth.

"You fucking psycho I can't breathe!" I started kicking around.

"If I let you go will you shut up and let me explain?" He begged.

And that's when I bit him.

"Holy shit did you just bite me?!" He swore as he held his swollen hand.

"Yep. I think I did." I said popping the 'p'.

"You're crazy do you know that? And you're calling me a psycho- Hey wait!" I started leaving.

"What?! I am so done with you! I want to go home!" 


"Why the hell not?!" 

"Because I can't let you go home looking like that!" 

"What do I look like?!"

"You're freezing and your whole body is freaking wet! What makes you think I can let you go looking like that?!"

"Well too bad then. If you're not driving me home, I'm walking home and that's final." I turned around and started walking out of the beach.

I heard him run after me and I started running away from him. Once I passed his car, I was grabbed by the waist.

"Who do you think you are, you sly little-" I was cut off by him covering my mouth again.

"Why won't you just listen to me? My life would be a lot easier." He breathed in my face.

I bit his hand but he quickly wrapped it with a cloth. "Mmmf!"

"Good girl." He chuckled.

"Mmmf! Ommf! Mdmph!" I contrinued to struggle with my words as he threw me across his shoulder and carried me to his car where he laid me down in the back.

"Fine." I said when he finally let me go.

"What?" He asked utterly confused.

"Fine I'm going with you but only for tonight." 

"You make it sound as if we're having those one night-" I slapped his arm.

"Don't you dare finish that!" I threatened.

"As long as you stop hitting me, sweetheart!"

"Stop calling me that!"

"Calling you what?"

"Sweetheart!" I yelled in frustration.

"Did you just call me sweetheart?" He smirked.


"Who's house is this?"

"I don't know," He said as he shrugged.


"Relax! It's a rest house for me and my friends. C'mon let's go upstairs!" He said while dragging me.

"Well in that case.." I flopped down  on the bed, lying on it with my face down.

"Make yourself at home," He said sarcastically. I didn't bother replying.

 "You know, you're the most entertaining girl I've ever met," Harry said. "And you're not even tearing your clothes off in front of me."

"Yeah? Well keep saying things like that and you'll be surprised at how much I can tear off from your body."

"Such fiery temper. Oh I know where we can use that energy." He winked as he walked closer.

"Don't be like that!" I let out a strangled scream as he advanced upon me.

"Get away from me!" I screamed, running as quickly as I could in the opposite sidew of the room. Unfortunately, I hit my foot at the side of the bed. I let out a loud scream and fell to the ground cradling my foor. 

Tears were streaming down my face as a pair of arms wrapped around my waist, forcing me to stay still. "Elena, shhh, I've got you." At the sound of his voice, I went limp, collapsing onto him. I didn't even shift once as he lifted me up, carrying me bridal style, and carefully towards the bed.

"Just hold on." He muttered, speeding up. I nodded and leaned my head against the headrest, trying to stop crying.

"Here, wrap it in this." Harry muttered handing me a blue cloth. I sniffled a little and lifted it up.

"A girl's skrt? Really?" I asked, strangely amused.

"Just wrap your foot." Harry said, a small smile playing on his lips. I began wrapping my foot, hissing out in pain. He came back after 10 minutes and pulled out a large first aid kit, and unwrapped my foot.

He grimaced at the sight of my wound. He cleaned my wound, then wrapped it in a gauze. "There you go, it should be better." I looked up and smiled at him. 

"You look awful," Harry stated. 

"You look gay-ish," I glared at him. He chuckled.

"I think I need a shower." I murmured.

"You can if you want?" He offered.

"No, I should be-" My eyes widened and I froze. "My god, Harry! My Mom!"

Harry's eyes widened and he cursed loudly, "Shit.. Fuck.. She probably thinks I raped you or something.."

"Oh god, can I borrow your phone?" I asked. He groaned but still handed me his phone.

"Mom?" I squeaked, holding my breath.

"Elena! Where did you go?!" My mom's worried voice sounded over the phone.

"I'm at my friend's house right now." I bit my lip. There was a moment of silence before she spoke again.

"Well, I think you should stay there-"


"Elena! There is no way in hell I'm letting you drive home this late! You can come home tomorrow first thing in the morning. Tomorrow, not later!"


"Absolutely not Elena!" She shrieked through the phone, causing Harry to look up at me. "It's too dangerous and I will not allow it!"

I sighed, a sign of deafeat. "Okay mom, see you tomorrow. Don't worry, I'll be okay."

"Bye honey! I love you, goodnight!" She said lovingly.

I groaned and hung up the phone. What in god's name is wrong with that woman? I mean, telling his own daughter to sleepover at a stranger's house? Sometimes I worry about her.

"Sooo, I guess you're sleeping over?" Harry asked, now smirking.

"I will not fuck you!" I shrieked.


omg guys i reached fan fiction #425 and teenfiction #745 and that's a big deal to me, i honestly wasn't expecting this story to get many reads. i was hoping for some readers but not all of you and i am so thankful for that. i wasnt going to update after this but then i saw all your comments and the things you've been tweeting me and i thought i might as well. your comments really make me smile and you have no idea how much they brighten up my day, so please keep on commenting!

fan, vote and comment! (best comment gets dedication to the next chapter!)

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