Give me some time

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Funneh's P.O.V.

I can't belive his mom did that...I just need some time.Good thing Gold isn't here.

Gold-Why...didn't miss me....wait FUNNEH WHAT'S WRON WHY ARE YOU CRYING!?

Funneh-It's nothing

Gold-It is!! Now please tell me...

*Funneh tels Gold what happened*

Gold-I'm so sorry....what can I do?

Funneh-It's not your fault...I just need some time..

Gold -Okay, call me if you need anything

Funneh-I will, thanks

*Funneh lays on her bed*

I just need to breathe....I'll be fine...but, why Yandere?Why her?

I-I don't know...good thing is I have Gold.

Alecs P.O.V.

I can't belive could my mom do that....Funneh said she needs some time....I want to get her back

*Aly knocks on his door*

Aly-Alec...please let me know I'm here for you.

Alac-Okay*opens door*
What do you want?

Aly-I want to talk to you and help you.

Alac-Fine...come in

*Aly sits down*

Aly-Look, this was a mistake...
Alac-I know...but jt's mom's mistake...she didn't belive me!

Aly-I know...and trust me I told her not to do it...and she still did...

Alac-I know...what can I do? much do you love her?

Alac-My love for her will never matter what or who come and break it.It will always stay as one piece for me....

Aly-First thing is... text Gold and let her tell you her schedule, then change yours and make it like her's and then you will have time to telk her the truth...if that doesn't work just call me.
Alac-Aly....thank you*hugs her*

*with Gold*

Golds P.O.V.

I don't know what to do...maybe Kyran about a girl's day,okay that's it!

Let me just make the plans

*plans are made*

Okay...let's see

1)Go to the mall
2)Get ice cream
3)Go to the movies
4)Go to Olive Garden
5)Buy more ice cream and a movie for Funneh

Okay this seems really good...

*gets a text from Alec*

Alec-Hey Gold...I know you hate me right now...but can you send ne Funneh's schedule?

Gold-No, why do you even need it and why should I give it to you?

Alec-Please I want to tell Funneh the truth...

Gold-Oh yeah I know, the truth that you're a jerk and a player!

Alac-Look, can you meet me at the park tommorow?




Alac-At 2PM

Gold-Fine, see ya.

Alac-See ya,thanks...

End of texting

What does he want know,he just broke her heart and he is trying to get her trough me....that is not okay
Well let me go and get Funneh out of the house....

3rd person P.O.V.

Gold-Funneh, can you come out?

Funneh-Fine...what is it?

Gold-Let's have a girl's day.

Funneh-I don't want to.

Gold-It wasn't a question, now let's go!

*at the mall*

Gold-Let's get some ice cream

Funneh-Okay, hmm what flavour...hmm..

Alec-I'll have chocolate, thanks
Funneh, what are you doing here?

Funneh-Why do you care?

Alac-I know I love you

Funneh-Stop saying that!It hurts just to think of you...and now to see you and hear you to say that....just stay away...


Gold-Listen to her...just go

Alac-I'm sorry**runs away*

Gold-Are you okay?

Funneh-I was...

Gold-Come on, get some ice cram and let's sit down.


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