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3rd person P.O.V.

Funneh-I got a text

Gold-What does it say?

Funneh-"Hey,can you meet me in the park tommorow at 3PM?"

Gold-Wait...from who is it?

Funneh-It's from...Evan.

Gold-Are you gonna go?

Funneh-Well, I didn't see him in a long time, sure why not.

Gold-Well, what should we have for dinner?

Funneh-I have no idea.

Gold-Hmm...a sandwich?

Funneh-Yeah, I'm not that hungry so sure.

*the next day with the guys*

Alac-Kyran are you ready?

Kyran-Yeah, you?

Alac-Yeah, let's go.

Kyran-When will we get there?

Alac-I don't know, at 2 or 3 PM

*with the girls*

Funneh-What time is it?

Gold-It's 1PM

Funneh-Well, I'm gonna be in my room.

Gold-Okay, are you still going?

Funneh-Yeah, why?

Gold-Well, remember that he kissed you infront of Alec...

Funneh-I do...but he said sorry to us.

Gold-Okay, okay.

*it's 2:50PM, Funneh left to the park*

Gold-Okay, so I'm alone...great.*

*hears a knock on a door*

*opens door*

Alec and Kyran-Hey, Gold!

*Gold hugs them as fast as she can*

Gold-What are you guys doing here?

Kyran-We just came for school see you and Funneh

Alec-Speaking of Funneh, where is she?

Gold-She went to the park to see Evan

Alec-Oh uh...

Gold-Don't worry...

Alec-When should she come?

*5 min. later, Funneh came back*

Funneh-Gold I'm back!

*Alac and Kyran are sitting beside her*

Funneh-Oh hey Alac, Kyran.



Alec-15 min. ago

*Funneh hugs them tight*

Funneh-I missed you guys SO much!

Alec and Kyran-Well we came here for school break.



Funneh-So how is it at you college?

Gold-Funneh, let them breathe!

Alec-It's okay.We all need to talk, so let's go for ice cream and just talk.


Funneh-Wait...where are you staying at?

Alec and Kyran-Well we acutally don't have a place to stay at

Funneh and Gold-You can stay at our place, if you want to

Alec and Kyran-Sure.

Gold-Okay, so...Funneh and Alec are going in one room and Kyran and me in my room,should we do it like that?


*timeskip for dinner*

Gold-Okay, so what should we have for dinner?

Funneh-Let's just ask the guys

Gold-Guys what do you want for dinner?

Alec and Kyran-Hmm..we don't know..

Funneh-Should we just order pizza?

Alec and Kyran-Okay

Gold-Okay, let me jus call them

*timeskip for bed*

Funneh's P.O.V.

Oh no....I have to sleep with...Alec.I think that I will die...great, just great.Well, I will die happy.

Alec-So, is this okay with you?

Funneh-Yeah I don't mind, y-you?


Funneh-So, how is it at your college?

Alec-It's fine and I know that look on your face... I just have one little question..



Alec-No I didn't fall in love with a diffrent girl and I will never do that to you.*kisses her...and they make out just for a little time*

Funneh-Heh...I love you

Alec-I love you too

*they fall asleep*

*with Kyran and Gold*

Gold-So you don't like me anymore, right?

Kyran-What do you mean?

Gold-I will bet you anything that you found a girl that is perfect for you..and she is in your class in college.

Kyran-Well I did find a girl

Gold-Heh..I knew it...

Kyran-Well it's you silly

Gold-Huh?*Kyran kisses her*

*the next day*

Funneh-Guys get up!

*Alec and Kyran run out of their rooms*

Gold-Okay, now we can have breakfast.


Funneh-It's 9 AM,you need to get up.

Gold-Now come on and sit down.

Kyran-You now you can just call us and nicely wake us up...

Alec-Yes...please.I started thinking somebody found a dead body or something.

Funneh-Okay sorry guys.Next time we will try to be nicer.

Gold-We promise.

Alec and Kyran-Thank you.

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