Chapter 5

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Russell popped above the surface and gasped for a mouth full of air. His chest heaved in pain and his lungs burned. The pain of no air began to make him light headed but he would have to focus on that later.

" He got her!"
" Russell! Hold on to this!"

He looked up and saw a rope lower down the side of the ship. He lazily slipped his foot into the loop and gave a tug. Above him he heard Morgan yell the command to pull and they slowly raised out of the water. Despite the wonderful feeling of being able to breath he could only focus on the coldness of Rosa's skin on his. Her lips had become a darker blue and if there were any chest movements then they were little.
Once they reached the top he handed Rosa up to Nathan before slowly pulling himself up and over. With a thud he flung himself over and landed on the deck.
" Give them some air!"

Russell scurried over to Rosa and rested his head to her chest. Her heart beat was faint but it was there. He couldn't waste the few precious moments he had with her. So he tilted her head back and brought his lips to hers and gave a light breath. Nothing. He did it again, nothing.
" Damn Corset." He growled as he turned her onto her side. Any other time this would be something any of the men would happily do in different circumstances, but now it was to save her life. His hands were clumsy and shaky as he tried to fumble with her ribbons and finally he just gave a slight yank and unlaced the ribbon entirely. The fabric fell off of her and onto the floor, exposing her low cut shirt. But that wasn't what the men were excited about. She began to cough water up and gasp for breath, which meant she was alive.

Russell reached for her and settled her in his arms while her chest heaved. His began to act without thinking and brought his hand to her cheek. The feeling of the warmth coming back to her made him the happiest man alive. Then he heard a gasp. At first he assumed it was because of the action he had just done but he was wrong. Just above her breast her necklace was exposed without her corset there to tuck it into. And the men had all seen it. They all knew that she was Captain Barbosa's daughter.

" She seems to be alright. Just need to keep her warm." Christopher as he laid a blanket down on Rosa. She had only managed to stay awake for a few moments before drifting into a sleep. Now she laid in Christopher's bed safe and sound.

" How do you feel?"
Russell gave a nod and pulled the blanket closer to himself.

" To think she's Barbosa's daughter." Christopher mumbled while scratching the back of his head. " Now that I know it, I can see his features in her."
" What do you think Captain will do?"
" Cap has respect for Barbosa along with the rest of us. If anything he will protect her even more."
" Actually, I've known the whole time."
The two turned their head and spotted Morgan in the doorway.

" That's why I made Eduardo sail us to Pirate's Bay."

" Why didn't you-"
" You needed to figure out yourselves. Especially you Russell. You have a lot to figure out."
Russell rose his brow in confusion. What else would he need to find out?
" We will be in the bay by tomorrow morning. Christopher, Russell, keep an eye on her. She should wake up soon."

They both nodded in silence. Morgan gave him a smile and nodded back before turning and leaving the room.

" She's shivering." Chistopher mumbled, breaking Russell's concentration. " I don't have any other blankets."

Russell stayed quiet for a moment and bit the inside of his lip. He had a lot to figure out . . .

" Will body heat help?"

Christopher looked shocked at his words. " Yes but -"
" I'll hold her."

Christopher found himself smiling as he watched Russell stand. He gently settled onto the bed, making sure not to wake Rosa up. Then he reached and pulled her body into his chest.
" R-russell?" She moaned as she rubbed her eyes.
" Go back to sleep, I'll protect ya."

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