Chapter 10 last

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5 Chapter 10
Rosa looked down at her ring in the moonlight and enjoyed the new weight on her finger. Russell held her from behind and couldn't stop smiling and he didn't care if he looked like an idiot. She was his, all his.
" How did you manage this?" She asked as she twisted it back and forth.
" During the duel. Barbosa told me that he saw how I looked at you and how you looked at me. He said that he supported it and trusted that I'd take good care of you then slipped me the ring when he helped me up. I guess he saw us when we first docked and had it planned for a while."
" I never even would have guessed." She mumbled." And the ring?"
" It's your mother's." He started softly. Rosa tensed slightly but continued to listen." He said she gave it to him before he left. He's kept it ever sense and said that he would let me propose as long as I used it, which I would gladly do. Well in this case, did."
" It's beautiful." She said as she held it up. Both of them looked at it in the moon light. Gold pieces twisted together and in the center a beautiful emerald.
" It's the color of your eyes." She spoke softly as she looked back at him. Russell smiled and stole a soft kiss from her lips.

" Yours are more beautiful."

Rosa said nothing and instead cuddled into his chest much like the night he saved her. They had shared a bed basically the entire night she had been on the ship but it was different this time. There was something much more stronger.
" Lets get some sleep, we have to wake up early tomorrow."

Rosa nodded and laid down before facing him. Russell's arm wrapped around her and pulled her into his bare chest.

" Goodnight Russell."

" Goodnight Rosa."

Rosa gasped as Iris fumbled with her laces and managed to tie them.

" Is it too tight?" she asked. She shook her head and looked in the mirror.

" No, no, it's fine."

Iris smiled and finished tying them up. Iris had been one of the girls she worked with at the tavern and had grown close with. She turned and saw Elizabeth, another close friend, look around then found the rouge.
" Alright, just some final touches . . ." She mumbled as her brush draped across her lips and cheeks. Rosa had to stifle a laugh and waited for her to finish.
" Oh! Don't forget this!"

Rosa turned and saw last but not least, Nyla scurry up to her and place a hairpiece she had handmade into her heap of curls. White seashells, pearls, and beautiful flowers were mixed together and sat gently on top of her bun, a veil draping down her back.
" You're ready." She encouraged. Rosa took a deep breath and tried to shake the nerves from her. She truly looked beautiful. The white silks and laces of her dress made her look angelic and most importantly, feel angelic and just above her breast, her father's necklace. She took her bouquet from Iris and turned to step for the door.

When Barbosa said he couldn't return Rosa had been devastated but understood. She promised to return once they were wed and celebrate with him and asked if Morgan would do the honor of handing her off.

But as she turned the corner she gave a sharp gasp. Calico stood, dressed in his best clothes and standing with a smile next to Morgan.
" Dad-"
" You really wouldn't think I'd let my daughter get married without me being there now would you?"

Rosa pushed back her tears and tackled him in a hug, her corset pushing into her stomach.

" Now lets walk you down that aisle shall we?"
Rosa nodded and quickly wiped the tears away, careful not to smear the charcoal on her eyes. With her father on the left and Morgan on the right she looped her arms through theres and the door opened.

Russell turned and nearly cried at the sight of her. She was gorgeous, absolutely gorgeous. To think she was his made him the happiest man in the world.

As the three made their way up to him Calico and Morgan planted a soft kiss on her cheek, earning a laugh from her before turning and sitting back down. She took a moment and stole a glance of the crowd. The entire crew of the Sirius sat and watched along with the same crew that she had grown up with on her father's ship. To think they were all here to support them . . .

Russell toned out the rest of the world and focused on his bride. He remembered the clear warning Calico had given him. You seem like a good strong lass and apparently she sees something in you. If being with you makes my daughter happy then I'll support you. But should you ever hurt her then I'll show no mercy on our next duel.

He mumbled I do when he was suppose to and waited to slip on her ring. Rosa's hand trembled as she did so to him and he caught her hand and covered it with his in comfort.

" You may now kiss your bride."

Russell wasted no time. He slipped a hand around her waist and pulled her in close. Everyone cheered and threw their hats or scarves into the air as they kissed. Never did the Sirius ever see the day were Russell would fall this hard for a woman or even fall in love. But they were glad he chose Rosa for they knew she would keep him in line.
He quickly reached and swept her off her feet and into his arms. The weight of the dress was heavy but it never even crossed his mind. Rosa gave a laugh and the walked back down the aisle with everyone throwing pieces of golden coins as they passed. They made their way to their room in the inn where he gently set her down on the bed and kissed her. Passion drowned them both as Russell tugged at her laces. She was his pirate and he was hers and together they could sail the seas in search for treasure and land and perhaps even a place to settle for when they decided it was time to have a child of their own.


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