Chapter 3

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I watched Aron faint and I wanted to catch him but I couldn't I was litterly paralyzed with my jaw hanging open, there was a thud and Aron was sprawled out on the ground.
"Close your mouth child" said the deep voice of the dragon infront of me.
I closed my mouth but I swear I almost fainted too.
"I, you, what," I stuttered "how would you know me I doubt you even come from this world"
"You are right I don't come from this world but in another time in another place I was your protecter"
I was so confused I didn't even notice my jaw hanging open ,AGAIN.
"I ..."
I didn't even have time to reply because Aron pounced on me finally freeing me from my stiffness.
"Aron" I yelled
" Milo you don't know if that thing is dangerous" he said softly
"He's not"
"How would you know "
" I don't know I just know "
"Who is your knight" the dragon said behind me
"Oh this knuckle head is Aron" I replied
"Wait knight, never mind. Why would you tell him my name we don't even know his"
"My name is luner" said the dragon "my lady Milo I have come to take you home to your mother"
I don't know what was happening but a huge smile spread across my face.
"Bu-but how you said your not from this world"
"Exactly" he said patting his back as if asking me to climb on
"Wait Milo you're actually considering going with him"
"Aron I trust him isn't that enough for you"
"Yeah what if your wrong and who knows we could never see each other again "
"Well I bet luner won't mind if you came along only if you want to I mean who wouldn't it's a dragon"
"I'll come with you but if things go wrong don't blame me "
Me and Aron climbed up the dragons tail onto his back and we were off flying through the sky when I noticed the huge oak tree we were flying towards.
"We're going to crash" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

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