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I walk up to my locker. Jack has it open. I take my stuff and walk away.

"Hey Leah wait!" Jack says

I turn around and look at him

"Nevermind.." He says. I start walking out and I feel someone pick me up. I scream.

"Shhhhhh. It's me." I hear Shawn say

"Oh my god don't do that!" I  say as he puts me down. I hit his shoulder

"Ah! I'm wounded." Shawn says sarcastically

"Good." I say

"Let's go." Shawn says taking my hand. 

"But we still have two periods left." I say

"What?" Shawn says

"Oh yeah, you guys call them hours, well we have two hours left." I say

"Oh, we're skipping." Shawn says taking me to the back of the school.

"We run in one... Two... GO!" He says taking off, I run after him. I see he goes to his car so I follow. I get in and Shawn starts backing up. We drive away from the school.

"Holy shit Shawn!" I say out of breath

"That's not the last time you'll be saying that." He smirks

"Your disgusting." I roll my eyes

"You love it." He smiles.

"Just drive." I say

"Alright miss sassy." Shawn pulls up to a park. We go over to a parking spot and I see the boys and a couple of girls that I'm assuming are their girlfriends.

We get out and walk over. I see Madison.

(A-n: don't hate me but yes it's Madison Beer.)

I walk over to her. "Hey." I smile

"Oh hey! I can't believe Shawn brought you." She says

"Brought me to what?" I say

"The meeting. We're waiting for Sam." She says

"What meeting?" I say

"Madison zip it! She'll find out in a minute." Nash says

She puts her hands up in defeat. A boy with blonde hair walks over to us.

"And who is this little lady?" The guy says walking over to me

"Sam, hands off." Shawn says. I gulp

"Or what?" 'Sam' says "you'll kill me? Hah."

"Actually I will. She's mine." Shawn says walking over to me pushing me behind him.

Shawns POV

I've grown quite fond of this girl. She's so sweet. She's always quick to the punchline, she's witty, and gorgeous and talented. I'm not letting Sam use her as his sex toy. Even if I'm not dating her she's mine.

"Sam don't you fucking dare touch Leah." I say

"Shawn you won't touch me." Sam says

I pull out my gun "Or will I Sam? If you fucking touch her I'll blow your brains out." I say through my teeth while putting the gun on his chest

"Alright. But you just showed her the real you Shawn. The one nobody will ever love." Sam says taking the barrel of the gun and pushing it away.

Leah's POV

"Shawn.." I say in horror and confusion

"This is a gang meeting Leah." Cameron whispers in my ear.

"Someone take me back to school." I say

Everyone stands and looks at me.

"Now!" I yell loudly

Jack J. walks over to me and leads me to his car.

"Jack, h-how could you join something like that?"

"They're my family. My mom died Leah. So did my dad and sister. I was shot all in the process." He says

"Oh. I'm so sorry." I say

"Those boys are my family. We may be outlaws but we love eachother. And Shawn, he hits it and leaves. He wouldn't put over three days on a girl. He really likes you." Jack says

"Go back." I say

"Don't gotta tell me twice." He says and turns around. We go through woods and end up at a eerie house. I see all of the boys cars.

We get out. We go in.

"Leah.. You came back." Shawn says. I nod and run into his arms. He hugs me back. "Leah you need to leave. Now."

"W-what?" I say looking at him. I hear gun shots

"Hayes! Get her out of here!" Shawn says throwing me off him at some kid. Hayes takes my wrist and pulls me through the back door. He starts a motorcycle up and tosses me a helmet. I put it on. I get on and he takes off. I barely have time to get a hold of him. 

We go speeding down the road. I hear gun shots. No echo. We get to the park. Hayes makes me get off

"Leah, you cant go back to your house. I can't lead anyone back to your house. Go to the school. Sit in the back. Find Madison." He says

"O-okay." I stutter. Hayes rides off and I run to the school. I go to the back and I feel a hand go over my mouth and a click noise.

"make any moves and I'll shoot." Someone says "don't scream." It's a girl.

I nod and she lets go. I turn around and see


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