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Noah stormed out of the house pushing past the boys then giving Troy a death glare while Troy smirked at him as I trembled in his arms "Noah wait!" I said managing to wriggle out of troys grasp, I ran after Noah out into the front garden and grabbed his arm, he spun around and glared at me "Noah I-" I started "Lexa how can you just let him do that! How can you expect me to just stand there and take advantage if my girlfriend!" He shouted at me, I felt sick "Noah please I can't tell anyone!" I said as tears came from my eyes, then Noah pulled me into a hug and I hung onto him as if my life depended on it "Noah I'm scared" I mumbled "Don't worry lexi I've got you, I'll sort this out" he said soothingly stroking my hair. I heard the door open then close behind me and I tensed up. So did Noah. "Why do you have your hands on my girl?" Asked Troy grabbing me "We both know she's not your girl" said Noah crossing his arms over his chest "Did you tell him anything lexi?" Troy asked looking down at me, but we both knew he knew I told him "Yes" I mumbled looking down, my eyes were sore from crying and I was really weak "Now now now lexi" he said tilting my chin up to look at him "You know what you have done right?" He growled "I'm sorry please don't hurt him!" I begged "Lexi it's okay" Noah said putting his hand on my shoulder which was soon smacked away by Troy and Noah glared at him "But lexi baby you know what has to happen" said Troy as he wrapped his arms around my waist "I'm sorry just please don't do anything he won't tell I promise" I rambled out "Okay princess this is your last chance but you know we have to deal with Alec aswell don't you?" He said "Please leave them both alone" I begged "Okay just for you baby girl" he said in a sickening tone as Noah stormed off out of the garden. "You thought I'd never find you again baby" he said with an evil grin "Get off me" I mumbled wriggling out of his grasp "Your even hotter princess" he said with his eyes traveling down my body "You make me sick" I hissed at him as I marched into the sitting room. Alec's eyes met mine and I rushed over to him "Lexi tell me that isn't who I see behind you" he growled his eyes suddenly turning darker and filled with anger "Please don't" I whispered grabbing his arms "We are talking later" he said going out the door clearly knowing if he stays he will end up killing Troy "Princess come join the fun" Troy said gesturing me to the group. I walked over silently with my had down and sat beside Taylor, he hadn't looked at me since I told him I was going to the dance with Noah which I now probably had to tell Noah I couldn't because of Troy. But I think Taylor noticed something was wrong "Follow me" he mumbled getting up from his seat an going upstairs, I quickly followed after mumbling to the group about needing to use the bathroom, I walked upstairs and was pulled into my room "What the hell is wrong?" He asked me looking at me worriedly "You and Noah are like a thing everyone sees it but doesn't want to admit it because they all like you how can you not see this lexi? How could you not tell us you had a boyfriend? especially Noah!" He said giving out to me "We were on a break I told him "I didn't know he was coming over, its really complicated " I said sighing "Okay but if you want to tell me or the boys anything you know you can" he said pulling me into a hug "Okay thank you Taylor" I said into his chest.  "Are u going to the party later?" He asked me breaking the hug "What party?" I asked confused "Troy is having one" he said "Oh I didn't know um yeah I might come" I said knowing if Troy was hosting it I would have to go "Well I leave you to get ready" Taylor said smiling at me "Okay thanks" I said somehow managing to force a smile back to him. As he walked out of the room I plonked down on my bed and sighed, how did he find me? Why did this have to happen? I took out my phone and began to text Noah

Noah I'm so sorry please just wait for me xx

I sent the message with tears in my eyes, I had just gotten with Noah why did Troy have to ruin everything. My phone buzzed and I opened the message.

Don't worry lexi we will find time for us I'll wait for you xxx

I was so suprised by his understanding, I wiped away my tears and smiled at my phone as I quickly replied.

Thank you so much Noah this means so much xx

I couldn't let him do anything to expose what a monster Troy was. I couldn't let him get hurt. Troy is part of one of a really bad gang and he threatens me by saying if I tried to get out of the relationship with him he would hurt my loved ones. He had some obsession with me. He was a monster. I was cut out from my thoughts as my bedroom door opened "Hey baby" Troy smirked as he made his way over to me "What do you want" I hissed "Don't be getting like that now, did you really think you could just leave" he growled as I gulped "Now don't be getting all scared princess we have a party to be attending" he said rummaging in his back pocket and took out a folded up piece of material and handed it to me "This is what you will be wearing" he smirked "What?" I asked looking at the tiny piece of material in my hands, I unfolded it to find a tiny black bandage dress "This?" I asked "If you've got it show it off babe" he said getting up and walked towards my door "Now sweetie if you don't come in that dress we will be having a serious talk" he said smirking at me "I don't even know where the party is?" I snapped at him "Oh yeah, eh get a taxi to-" he grabbed a pen and some paper off me desk and scibbled down on a piece of paper "Here" he said handing me a piece of paper "Bye babe" he said leaving my room. I sighed and went to go have a shower then get ready.


I took off my towel after doing my makeup and hair and held the tiny dress in front of me. I sighed and began to put it on. It was short with a lot of cleavage showing, I looked like a stripper I thought. I put on some black heels, grabbed jacket and walked downstairs. I was about to call a cab when Noah's car pulled up in front of me. The window rolled down "Hey" he said with a smile on his face, then his eyes travelled down my body "Jesus lexi!" He said as I tried to cover myself up by wrapping my jacket around my body "I know, troy made me wear it" I mumbled. He sighed and told me to jump in and he would drive us to the party.

~*~ (gets a bit sexual)

The car ride was awkward, we just tried to think of what I could do to get rid of him but we both knew there was no point trying. As we walked up to the address of the party I got scared, what if his old friends were here? What if the gang members were there? As I walked in the door I noticed Noah wasn't walking beside me, I turned around to check where he was but was stopped as u walked into a hard chest, I looked up and there was troy smirking down at me "Hey babe you look fucking hot" he slurred. Great , I thought, he was already drunk "I've got to go look for someone" I said looking at him in disgust the turning to walk away "No no no no no your coming with me" he said staggering towards me "Troy your drunk get off me!" I hissed. He picked me up and dragged me to the bottom of the stairs "Would you shut up yelping lexi" he growled then smirked down at me "We havnt been together in ages" he slurred again. I didn't say anything. "Come on we are going upstairs" he said in a sickening tone as he picked me up again as I squirmed "Please troy stop put me down" I begged " I just love it when you moan except when it's this kind" he said as I looked at him in shock and disgust "You are an asshole!" I squeaked out as he just laughed at me as we entered a room. I gulped as he threw me onto the floor and clicked the lock on the door "Please troy leave me alone" I stuttered as he wrapped his arm around my waist and began kissing my neck "You used to love this" he said "Before I found out you were a maniac and took advantage of me" I said with tears now buring in my eyes "Oh shut up lexi" he said and began to trail the kisses down to my collarbones, I tried to push him away but he was too strong and pushed me back up against the wall. He slid the shoulders of my dress down my arms exposing me. A few tears trickled down my face as I remember the times I used to have to go through in the last and now it was back, I thought I had escaped my biggest fear but now there was no getting rid of it. My dress dropped to the ground as I tried to pry him off me "Stop squirming!" He shouted "Get away from me!" I wimpered. I could hear someone calling my name "What-" Troy started but I had already pulled my dress up and began running towards the door "Noah!" I screamed trying to open the door but Troy pulled me back and put his hand over my mouth "Lexa are you in here?!" I could hear Noah banging on the door. I kicked my foot backwards and hit Troy his hands fell from around me and I ran to the door unlocking it and running into Noah "Lexa what's wrong are you okay?!" He asked but then his eyes trailed behind me and seen Troy charging towards us "What have I told you about having your hands on my girl" Troy growled "You sick bastard!" Noah yelled moving infront of me "Who do you think your talking to?!" Troy said walking towards us "Do you know who I-" Troy was cut off by Noah's fist hitting his face. Troy staggered backwards "You son of a-" He started but Noah had hit him again. Troy lunged for Noah knocking him backwards on top of me. I hit my head off the wall and everything went black.

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