Chapter: 3

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I woke up then the wave of embarrassment hit me again. How would I be able to face these boys again? I managed to crawl out of bed put my hair in a messy bun and get dressed. I got into the school sweatshirt and some jogging leggings and made my way downstairs. Dad was sitting at the table with Alec, my cheeks burned and I looked down as I made my way to the fridge "What the hell was that last night Alexa!" Yelled Alec "OMG it was an accident please just never talk about it again" I sighed "You can't just-" he was cut off by dad "Leave it Alec" he sighed "But from now on lexi curtains closed when practice is on" he said "Yes dad" I grabbed an apple and gathered up my backpack and things. The doorbell rang and I went to get it, Oscar and Noah stood there "Hey lexi" they both said in unison "Nice show you put of last night" Oscar laughed "Man, leave her alone" Noah said as he tried to bite back a laugh as he put his arm around my shoulders, I just blushed and giggled. "So are you not supposed to be worrying and deciding what to wear for the party "Oh my god! The party! OMG I forgot!" I said as I ran up the stairs. I could hear the boys laughing downstairs. What would I wear? I had completely forgotten about the party tonight at our house tonight. I rummaged through my wardrobe and finally found an outfit to wear (look at the picture above to see the outfit) I set it out on my bed for later then joined the boys downstairs and we left for school.

~*~(I skipped the school scene I'm not really good at writing them)

Ashton and Justin the twins came home with us, Alec and them are getting really close. I ran upstairs to get ready for the party. I first brought everything I need to get ready into the bathroom and hopped into the shower. After I was done in the shower I dried my hair and curled the ends then applied my makeup. I then got dressed and walked back into my bedroom. I sprayed myself with perfume and decided to go downstairs and help set up the party. As I came to the bottom of the stairs I noticed the team had come over and had already started playing the music. My mom and dad said we could have a party after we got settled so we decided to do it today, a Friday. Noah looked up from what he was doing and his jaw dropped when he seen me, I smiled and walked over to him "lexi-oh my-woah" he said with a smirk "You look great lex" he said as I blushed "Thanks Noah" I replied. I looked around the room to see the rest of the boys staring at me, then Alec stomped over to me and grabbed my wrist to bring me out of the room "Ow what the hell Alec!" I said and grabbed my wrist back "Alexa what the hell are you wearing!" He gestured to my outfit "OMG Alec what's your problem you need to calm down!" I shouted and walked back into the room and started to set out snacks and drinks

Pov change to Noah:
"Bro did you see lexi?" Taylor asked me "Yeah Jesus she's gorgeous" I replied "Do you like her?" Taylor said grinning but before I could reply he said "Bryce, Oscar Ashton and Justin like her aswel" he said looking down "What? They all like her?" I responded shocked "Yeah do you not see them drooling everytime she walks into the room-" as he said that she walked into the room after Alec grabbed her out of the room I glanced towards the group of boys and of course they were puffing out their chests as she walked by. God was I blind not to see this. She walked over to  Taylor and I and and I gave her a big smile "The party starts soon" I said wrapping my arm around her shoulders trying to avoid the glare of Alec. "I know a few people already arrived she said and gestured towards the group I people dancing and laughing "Tonight should be fun" I said smiling down at her "Yeah it should" she said looking up and giving me a smile back.

~*~ the party has begun and everyone is a little bit drunk and having a good time

Alexaa pov:
I was getting more drink when Oscar pulled me onto the dance floor making me spill the drink everywhere I just giggled and started dancing "WHOOP WHOOP PARTYYYY" I screamed at the top of my lungs and oscar pulled me towards him to dance, he started grinding on me "Oscar you n'naughty boyyy" I laughed and pushed myself of him stumbling "sexy lexi get back here" he sang and laughed pulling me by my waist "Where's the boys?" I asked as he took my hands and wrapped them around his neck then placed his hands on my waist. One dance by drake started playing "OMG I LOVE THIS SONG-" I was cut off by oscars lips crashing against mine, I placed my hands on his chest trying to push him off me " OSCAR! Your drunk get off me!" I yelled he pushed me against the wall kissing my neck as I thumped him on the back. I seen Noah and Taylor running over and Noah picked oscar up as if he were as light as a ball and through him off me "WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT MAN!" Shouted Noah "Shut up Noah your just jealous it was me kissing her!" Oscar said as he pushed Noah "Lexi are you okay?" Asked Taylor looking concerned "Yeah um I'm fine" I said looking back at Noah and Oscar. Noah was about to hop on oscar when I put my hand on his shoulder and then grabbed his arm and brought him outside, I went to turn around to face him and smacked into his hard chest "Oh shit lexi are you okay?" He asked as I giggled "Yeah I'm fine-" I was cut off by him wrapping his arms around me trapping me in a hug "If he ever does anything to you tell me okay?" He said ending the hug and holding my shoulders looking into my eyes "Okay" I said looking down, Alec ran out the doors with an angry look on his face "Alexa are you okay I swear to god that punk oscar better stay clear of me" He said red in the face with anger "Alec I'm okay calm down" I said walking over to him "Good, thanks Noah for that" He said doing one of those handshakes boys do that I never understood with Noah "No problem bro" he said with a smile "Right I better go back in some chicks waiting for me" Alec said with a wink, I rolled my eyes as Noah laughed , as soon as Alec went back in I swung my arms up around Noah's neck and thanked him for what he did. At first he didn't know what to do but them wrapped his arms around my waist saying that it was fine there was no need to thank him. As I unwrapped my arms we looked at each other and blushed "Um we better go back inside" I said breaking the gaze "Oh yeah we should" he said awkwardly and opened the door for me. As we got inside we just forgot about the incident and walked over to the twins and started dancing with them and that's how my night ended.

Hey guys I told you things would get interesting! Important news for the group in the next chapter which will be posted later thanks for reading❤️

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