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Even death can be pretty when it comes with a song; listeners enjoy as long as it plays and die as soon as it dies. The tolls of death bring an unusual gloom in the air and convey the mysteries of the dark to the unknown world. Though who don't believe in those tales probably haven't known what's living among them, until the secrets are ready to make themselves unfolded.

In a world where lives are lived on the expense of lives, people hardly believe anything that is out of the ordinary, yet there are exceptions; those who think there is something uncanny going on among them which is practically impossible for them to spot. Those are those people who strive to find the oddity in the system. Then there are the oddities that baffle the people stated a moment before, and finally the ones who cause the oddities. If one sane human can take a look at the present world in every possible aspect, it will certainly proclaim that the world is severely messed up. But it doesn't and won't ever happen, because one can and will never look at every possible aspect of the present world. Among those hidden parameters and moist secrets live the people who actually run and rule the world with power: the power of relics and the bearers, which is enough to send the world to oblivion.

Hello everyone, this is another attempt that I'm making. Do let me know what you think of it. Thanks for the read. :)

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