Who is the Shadow?

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All I ever had was Killian, and the fact that my own brother would something like this to me left me speechless.

I really was speechless for most of the flight to the lost boys camp. I didn't even realize what was even going on till we were almost there. Then I realized and analyzed the situation I was put in by my sweet big brother who was supposed to take protect me no matter what.

Note sarcasm.

And then I did what any nine year old girl would do under the circumstances that I was in.

I started to scream. Not long by being followed by kicking, screaming, pulling, pushing, hitting... You know, the usual if I didn't get my way.

Obviously, the dark shadow was not expecting it. He dropped me. He must have never heard the high pitched scream of a little girls voice.

That's when I regretted my decision. I was headed straight for the ocean from what had to be at least a fifty foot drop.

The shadow caught me right before I could hit the water that I had been plummeting towards. I was thinking in my head Oh, great! Now what? , but I still was grateful that I didn't hit the water. As silly as it sounds, especially coming from a girl who spent most of her life on the seas...

I couldn't swim.

That weird shadow kept on staring at me after he saved me from what I thought was going to be my certain death. It was weird because the shadow dropped me at different times then caught me again. At first it caught me by surprise and I couldn't help but jokingly hit its shoulder. The shadow would throw me way up in the air, do a few flips in mid air then catch me. Show off. It was overall kind of a fun experience even though I tried not to let it show or admit it.

As soon as we got to the camp, a boy who looked about the age of 19 was standing there waiting for us to set foot on land. I didn't pay much attention to him at first, I was much too busy laughing at something els the shadow had done.

The boy hissed "back off." To the shadow.

This set me off because in the two minutes I was with the shadow I practically became friends with it. "Who are you? What makes you think you can just order him around like that?" At this point I was full of fire. I never was afraid of the consequences of back talking.

"Oh, how rude of me." I could totally tell he was being sarcastic. "I'm Peter Pan. And I can order this shadow around as I please because he is my shadow."

"Oh, sorry." I replied kind of regretting what I had said to him earlier about being bossy to the shadow and stuff. Although I had no idea how or why is shadow wasn't connected to him like a normal person.

"Would you like me to show you around the camp Blair?" He said with a bright, charming smile.

"No. Not really." I replied with a scowl, and Pan returned it.

I then rolled my eyes and continued with the sass of my nine year old girl self.

"Listen, I was just kinda taken from my brother forced to live a life here, by you, by the way. So, thanks for that, and um, how do you know my name?" I questioned.

He didn't respond at first so I added on "I feel like I have a right to know. Don't you think?"

He finally sighed in defeat and said "I know many things, Blair." Leaving it at that.

He was just as charming as his shadow. He made me laugh and was very charismatic. He even tried to play a song on his pipe for me. I couldn't hear anything though. I even told him I couldn't. "You can't hear it?" He said with a half smile. Looking particularly bothered. "So, do have anyone special in your life? Like a family member, or maybe a-" I cut him off.

"Well, I do love my brother very much." I commented choking back tears.

"Even though he traded you and wanted you gone?" He asked.

"He didn't want me gone!" I hissed "but yes, I have forgiven him for leaving me here. It's in the past. I've gotten over it."

I haven't gotten over it.

"I will always love him no matter what." Tears were threatening to roll down my cheek and I suppose it was obvious I was about to cry so Pan left it at that and didn't push for any more information.

He started up a new conversation. "So, now that you are here and a new addition to our team, how's about we give you a position? In fact, I know exactly what we need you to be. I need you to be in charge when I'm gone. You know, watch over the boys?" He asked hopefully.

"You mean a glorified babysitter? Oh, Sure. As long as I am here I would love to do that." I replied with as much sarcasm as I could muster together.

"It's not that kind of job, Blair." He said looking very agitated. "And I can't just put you among the lost boys. You're a girl." He sneered and I narrowed my eyes at him. "And there is no such thing as a lost girl." He chuckled with a smirk and began to walk away.

I began to mock his laughter with some on my own behind his back, but quickly ceased in doing so when he spun around and headed back to where I was.

I took a step back for precaution but all he did was say, "Oh and Blair, keep this on you at all times." He handed me a worn out picture of a boy. A boy with brown wavy hair, kind eyes, and a soft smile.

"Why do I need this?" I insisted upon asking being as curious as I was.

"Because we need him. He is the truest believer."

And with that he disappeared into a cloud a purple smoke.



Twitter: @oncergeek


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