Second Thoughts

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Walking towards Pan I had mixed emotions.

At first it was confidence.

Then it was the "what the bloody hell am I doing?" kind of eye opening realization of the stupid things you're about to do.

I stopped and let out a quiet sigh. I don't know why I even came here in the first place. I mean, Pan is crazy and if I think I can talk any sort of sense into him, well... that just might make me crazy too.

I quickly turned around and attempted to quietly shuffle out of the same room he was in. I just wanted to get in my little row boat, and row all the way home at this point.

As I quietly made my way to the exit, guess what I hear? The all too wonderfully recognizable voice of none other than Peter Pan himself. By the way, that was like sarcasm to the max.

"Blair! Wha-What are you doing here?" He questioned me.

I slowly turned around with a guilty look on my face. "Um, we-well I originally came out here to give you a piece of my mind about leaving me alone in the forest like that, but um I uh..."  I stopped, searching for a possible explanation I could feed Pan.

"But uh, you looked a little busy so... I changed my mind. Bye now!" I finished my sentence swiftly and made a quick getaway.

Just as I thought I could pull it off and get away clean, I heard his voice again from behind me.

"Blair, wait up!" I heard him chuckle. Then, a cloud of purple smoke appeared before me stopping me in my tracks. Pan just poofed himself right in front of me, blocking the doorway I was headed towards.


"What the hell do you want from me, Pan? I said I was leaving okay? So you can get back to your whole take over the world thing that apparently is SO important. You know, I really don't get you Peter. I mean, one minute you're totally fine and then the next you're leaving me alone in unfamiliar woods. AT NIGHT! And another thing, this- this truest believer you keep talking about is making you crazy! You spend no time with the lost boys anymore let alone me-"

Ah bloody hell. Bringing it back to me again.

Pan tried to speak. I just put my hand up signaling him to go no further.

"You know what? It doesn't matter. I really don't care. I'll go now. I wouldn't want to be in your way when you finally get whatever you're looking for."

Peter stood there for a moment. Then he just moved to the side without saying a word. He just looked down at the ground in silence.

I looked at him for a moment. Admiring his features. Then I just shook my head and walked on, headed back to shore.




I'm really sorry guys. I just haven't been on Watt Pad period for so long. I hope to update more often and sooner than like every 50 years.

On the other hand, coming back to like 28k read was super motivating, along with your supportive comments and ideas for future chappies!


Stay tuned! Next chapter, I hope to introduce Emma, Captain Hook and the crew Ya know.

La8r babes


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