The Map

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After Pan was out of sight, I quickly went into his tent and grabbed the map.

I was right. It had everything.

Times, notes, places, people, it had anything I would ever need to find this Truest Believer kid.

And believe me I will.

I refuse to stand by and let Pan kidnap another boy.

Like he took me.

And I know that if Pan gets his hands on the Truest Believer it won't be pretty.

I shoved the map in my satchel and then I headed out of Pan's tent. As soon as I was out of camp I took the map back out and looked at where Pan was going to get the lost boy. By the looks of it, Pan has a few other stops to make before he gets the Truest Believer. I wonder what Pan was doing right now. What was so important that couldn't wait to pick up his 'New Arrival'?

It didn't matter any more now. I needed to focus on getting to the Truest Believer before Pan.

The map called for me to go North. I grabbed my compass my brother, Captain Hook, gave to me when I was just a little girl. About 5 years old. It had the name Jones engraved on the back. It was the only thing I had left of him. Other than this emerald necklace that was a darker shade of green he gave to me on my 7th birthday. I always wore it. It was just a few days before the shadow came and took me away... and Hook let him do it.

I cleared my thoughts of all of the flooding memories of my brother who was now so long lost to me. I set my mind on getting the Truest Believer as fast as possible.

I looked at the spot where Pan would find, and most likely take the Truest Believer for his own. I knew where it was! It was the Mermaid Lagoon. I had been there a million times! (Or what seemed liked it).

I ran to the Mermaid Lagoon as fast as my legs would carry me. I ran for about a mile before I gave out. I walked out the rest. Soon I reached the lagoon and I spotted a boy sitting on a log by the water.



I am so happy cause now we are FINALLY reaching the awesome interesting parts of the story. I have just felt so bored with the part few chapters so this will be fun!

Twitter: @Oncergeek

Vote/Comment/Follow! Luv u all and I will update soon! PROMISE!

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