A Lesson To Remember

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   I couldn't help it anymore. No more teasing, because when I teased him, I was also teasing myself. I dropped the books and wrapped my arms around his neck. I stood on my tiptoes and kissed him. He instantly held my hips and pulled me closer. I smiled into the kiss and Bon stroked my side with his thumb.

   "(Y/N)... Don't ever tease me again." He whispered in between kisses. I felt my heart beat harder and harder. Bon put one hand on the back of my head and pushed me closer.

   "Bon... I really... really... really... love you." I told him. He pulled away from me and rested his forehead against mine.

   "Do you mean that?" He asked. I nodded, smiling brightly. He leant forward to kiss me again, but this time the kisses were a lot hungrier.

   I pushed him back a little. "Jeez, Bon, calm down!" I chuckled.

   Bon's POV

   I had finally kissed her. My head was spinning like mad and my heart was on the verge of exploding. I could feel my blood rushing around my body.

   "No." I growled lowly. She smirked and I took her again for a kiss. I needed her right now.

   Pulling back for air, I put my head in the crook of her neck and hugged her tightly. "Come with me."

   I grabbed her hand and hurried out of the shop, leaving both Miwa and the books in the shop.

   "Where are we going, Bon-Sama?" She asked.

   "I said not to tease me." I said through gritted teeth. I loved it when she said my name.

   I took her back to my dorm, passing Shima. I ignored his shock when he saw (Y/N) and I together and I went into the dorm. (Y/N) closed the door behind her.

   "I'm guessing I've got another lesson?" She guessed. I smirked.

   "One you definitely won't forget." I laughed. She looked puzzled. She walked a few steps in front of me. As she opened the door, she hopped over to the desk chair and spun it to face me. Sitting on it, she folded her arms.

   "Where's the work?" She questioned. I gestured for her to stand up and come to me. She stood up, and as she was walking over, I couldn't help but look at her body. She was absolutely flawless.

   When she was next to me, I instantly turned and backed her up against the wall. She smirked at me, knowing where this was going. I put a hand on the wall next to her head as my other one lay upon her hip, making it almost impossible for her to move.

   I didn't give her a chance to speak. Leaning forward I began kissing her again, this time a lot harder and greedier than the first. She eagerly kissed back, placing her hands on my shoulders. I licked her bottom lip and begged for entrance, but she denied. I frowned and left my hand slightly grip her harder, hoping for a gasp.

   "I love you, (Y/N)." I whispered. She smiled and dropped a hand to my back, pushing me further.

   I pulled back and looked into her eyes. Grabbing her thighs, I picked her up. She gasped and wrapped her legs around my waist. I pressed my lips to hers and took the chance to put my tongue in. It roamed around her mouth, leaving no place untouched. She did a juicy little moan, sending me crazy.

   I moved to her neck and kissed hard as if she was going to leave. We both moaned slightly as I formed a deep purple mark on her neck.

   My POV

   I moaned and felt Bon push me further against the wall.

   "Bon... I..." I moaned. He moved his lips up to my ear, nibbling the earlobe.

   "What do you want, (Y/N)?"

   "I..." I leant my head back on the wall and took a breath. Bon kissed my sweet spot again. Gripping his hair, I bent down to his ear. "I. Want. You."

   Bon pulled back into my eyes, his widening ever so slightly. He smirked and tightened his hands on my hips. "What do you mean?" He whispered against my lips.


   "BON?! WHERE THE HELL DID YOU GO?!" Shima slammed the front door open.

   Bon frowned and walked over to his desk chair, sitting me down.

   I reached out my hand to hold his, but he looked down and smiled. He kissed me quickly before walking out to go and scream at Shima.

   "Stupid, motherfu..." He muttered to himself, clenching his fists.

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