Why Turtles Go To Lay Eggs At The Beach Every Year (Greek gods + my own)

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Turlia (The god of turtles and tortoises (which have just been just created)) raises his head and pans his eyes from side to side, exploring the open plain. In it are hundreds of different species of turtle. Although they are new to the world some are already exploring the groves and copses of the area around them. The god's eyes are taking all of this in with pleasure. Suddenly he notices a movement in a bush; no doubt a predator out to harm his creatures. He sways its mind easily and it scampers off.

<Aeons later>

A melancholy smile creeps onto Turlia’s face; he remembers the first day when turtles were created, everything had seemed so perfect back then. Now the turtles are lazy; under his protection they have nothing to worry about. Predators ignore them and they are shown where food is. His brain starts to mull the it all over. He thinks hard and decides on an option: he will make the turtles do a very hard task each year and reduce the amount he nurtures them. He has just one problem, every idea he comes up with seems too harsh for his own race. He decides that the only way forward is to ask the council of gods what task the turtles do.

<At the gods palace>

Turlia wonders at the splendour of the new palace the gods have created for themselves after the war. Far more elaborate and intricate than what the old titans used as a meeting room. The doors are huge, hundreds and hundreds of metres high yet they open at his lightest touch. Inside is a hallway with chequered flag stones each the size of a city. It is miles long yet Turlia reaches the other end on seconds thanks to the magic inside speeding him along. Another doorway blocks his path, smaller than the first but still very large. Inside is the throne room filled with 12 breathtakingly amazing. In each sits a god that radiates and power and confidence.

“Council of Olympians, I have come to seek your advice on a matter concerning the turtles.”

“Ahhh, your reward for helping us in the war. What question do you seek the answer for?” boomed the king of the gods, Zeus.  

“They have grown lazy under my protection and I have decided the way to make them more hard working is for them to every year have a task to do. I cannot decide what to set them and so I ask you.”

The gods decided to help Turlia and spent days and days, even weeks for immortals care not for time. Eventually they decided on a task.

"Every year the turtles shall have to go to a beach by the sea to lay eggs and when the babies hatch out they shall be in danger from birds the whole way."

"Very well, I accept your decision" 

Turlia set to work immediately changing how he turtles live and, even to this day turtles go o the beach to lay eggs very year.

Thats the end! I may do more stories abou Turlia or maybe ill give sci-fi a go...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2013 ⏰

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Why Turtles Go To Lay Eggs At The Beach Every Year (Greek gods + my own)Where stories live. Discover now