[ 1 - monday warm-ups ] : vernon

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Monday, the very first day of the week that, almost, everyone hates. Whether if one asks a teacher, student, parent, employee, etc. most of them will say that they dislike the day. How? Well, it is the start of the week, which also means 4 more days before their safe haven weekend of rest and relaxations, for some people that is.

And Vernon was among the populace that dislikes the day also. Usually, he doesn't follow routines, simply because he didn't have any to follow as of the moment. (Either that or it meant that they had a busy schedule) But since the promotion period of their full-length album had ended, and their Pacific-Asian tour a complete success- poor Hansol had to start running again today just to arrive at his school.

Although he had gone to the same school for four consecutive years, somehow, everything felt different from before, in his perspective. The destination is clear to him, he already knows what he wants in his life but feels compelled to do so due to his age and lack of experience. That he jumps over everything like hurdles just to finish this year, like every year. But he knows that this year isn't like any of the past years he had experience.

It feels like this is one of the best years of his life, because not only did Seventeen won a rookie award 'twice' in the start of the year, but they also won 'twice' for their song '예쁘다' in a Music Show. And to top it all off, their Asia tour was a complete success because of the numerous support their fans and supporters, Carats, had given. And just like them, you, his number one fan, friend (and hoping to be 'soulmate'), ________ , had been with him since the start of the year. So as this years' chapter come to its end, he wants to finish this year to the end with you.

"And when the new year's sun rises, I want to greet it with us in an embrace!" The 18-year-old boy chimed as he spends the night away with them, his special one. Both hidden away in his dorm room, watching a movie on his laptop as they ate the last bag of chips of the dorm.

They laughed a bit at his cheesiness, but also admired his romantic, and honest side. Whenever the two of them were alone, everything was fun and spontaneous- sure their were some awkward moments at times. (Like the time he was staring at her intensely, or the time when he attempted to do the bubble thing and Seokmin knocked him down causing him to shout in English, "I've fallen, and I can't get up!" Making them, and Jisoo laughed incredibly hard except everyone else in the room.) But those are the things you get when you're in a romantic relationship with someone you love, it's not only about the cheesy-romantic stuff, or the overly-dramatic ones like Korean drama shows portray. It's everything good, bad, and weird- and right now Hansol just wants to be in that kind of relationship with ________.

"But first," Seungcheol started off with a yawn as everyone got their seats in the living room of their dorm. He held a meeting with all the members to discuss their plans and give some smidge of inspiration to the younger members who are going back to their school routines, "Let's focus on this week!" He said with a cheeky smile, that makes you kind of wonder who the oldest member really is in the group.

Soonyoung, Seokmin, and Seungkwan all answered loudly, while the other members shouted, and clapped enthusiastically. Same goes for Hansol, who was clapping enthusiastically before raising a fist and shouting, "Whoo, yes!" Soon their discussion was back, Jihoon and Soonyoung gave out some of their observations from the past week and gave out their wishes for this week. The other members too voiced out their concerns like, wishing to conserve more of their toiletries, and food- but in the end, everything went smoothly and they shifted back to their harmonious selves.

But, without letting it go easily, the discussion still did not ended easily. "Is there any concerns before I end the meeting?" Their leader asked as he skimmed through each boys' eyes. Hansol's expression was very blank, he wanted to end the meeting early so he can get to text _______ a 'goodnight' before going to sleep. "Is that all?" Seungcheol's voice bellowed across the room as he looks at everyone. Jeonghan gave him a nod and said, "I think that's all." Which made the older boy nod and say, "Okay, meeting ended", but before everyone split their ways and went to their own separate bedrooms they all huddled together and reached out their arms. Their hands were in a closed fist, rings were touching each others fingers as they silently waited for their leader's signal to say their name. "Say the name,-" "Seventeen! Fighting!" And then they did their 'fightings' in a sincere manner.

But before they all got to bed, Seungkwan commented on how he wanted _______ to visit them. Which made Hansol flustered at the thought of his crush coming over to visit them. Wonwoo nodded, "Yeah, I miss them too! They really know how to pick a great cheeseburger!" "Ah! And it looks like someone misses them too~" Jisoo teased as he puts an arm around the poor boys' neck.

"Ah! No, no! I don't see them that way!" Hansol lied, waving his hands with his widened eyes and waving hands like he was trying to shoo his 'hyungs'* away.

Minghao laughed at his dismay, "So cute!" Making him pinch the younger boy's cheeks. "Yes, he is. But seriously Vernon, we can both tell that you two like each other." Jun said as he ruffled the boy's hair. "You may never know if they'll continue being friends with us, despite our confusing schedules." He added.

But getting back, Hansol felt that now is not the right time to be confessing his feelings to ______, he doesn't want to ruin their friendship because of his feelings. But he certainly doesn't want to see them in love with another person. So with clenched fists he took a deep breath before walking towards his friend, to their own booth in their favorite cafe.

"Each week I get tested-" Hansol stammered, suddenly waves of memories from Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday had flooded his mind as he stares at the floor nervously. He had already rehearsed these words for numerous times and he had already anticipated this moment, but everything felt so weird, scary, and at the same time exciting and moving. Yes, to say that he was nervous is an understatement yet it seems that the feeling of it is somehow wearing off when he saw their face. "I earnestly wait for the one thing."

'And calm myself,' the blonde boy had thought to himself as he still made his way to their favorite booth of the cafe. "I'm hungry for that Sunday candy." He joked and somehow he regretted his choice of words, but everything changed (when the fire nation attacked //shot) when he heard ______'s laugh. Just that sound of their adorable laughter made his heart melt and fall for them more than he can ever imagine. "But there's a whole week left."

"And can I spend the rest of the days with you, together?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2016 ⏰

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