I cant believe this

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Marinette was in her room working on a fashion design when she head her phone
Rig rig hello hey girl hi Alya I am on my way to your house for my interview with chat noir o you are yeah is he there yet no not yet anyway I will be there soon ok bye  then there was a tap on her window Marinette went to open it      

Marinette a chat noir a Alya       Chat noir grab her and kissed her they pulled away what you don't say hello anyone that was hello princess    Then Alya came in Marinette room  sorry for interrupting your moment  o it fine Alya Marinette said so ready for the interview chat noir ask yes I am so ready lets get started Alya said and don't worry I am not going to put this on the ladyblog                                              

Ok first question what is it like being a super hero      Life changing it hard but it makes you feel free that how I feel when I am chat noir         

Ok next question are you ladybugs partner or sidekick his her partner Marinette yelled  Marinette this is not your interview no it's ok she right I am her partner chat noir said             

Ok next question how long did you love ladybug  o I yeah chat noir how long did you love ladybug Marinette yelled   I love her every since I met her then I found Marinette and I love her ok princess for some reason I don't believe you Marinette yelled next question please chat noir ask ok                                            

Here is the next question do you still have feelings for ladybug now that you are white Marinette I I don't know maybe I do what Marinette yelled you were just using me chat noir you do still love ladybug don't you  Marinette wait I can explain get out chat noir Marinette said angry and whit sadness    Alya leave Marinette said wait Marinette I am sorry I should have never ask that    Alya can't you see chat noir is gone and I want you gone too ok bye Marinette Alya and chat noir are gone        

Marinette  tikki came out o tikki he never loved me he just loves ladybug and no one loves Marinette Marinette that is not true please don't talk like that I am going to bed tikki good night Marinette went to bed crying about what happen 😔

Hope you like this chapter update soon bye

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