11- Light or Dark? Part 1

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Angel Of Darkness by Alex C ft. Yasmin K enjoy :)

Edited as of 9/21/18

A few days later Sam took me to the community where I would meet with the leader. The community isn't what I expected it to be. Instead of shacks, people selling brooms and wands, there were stores that looked like a regular Wal-Mart. Instead of small wood houses there were tall houses made of stone. The place where the leader was in was bigger than the other buildings. People kept staring at Sam and I. Most likely because the relationship we have is illegal. Some mothers covered her children's eyes so they wouldn't see us together. No wonder my parents moved us away from here. We approached the steps and there were two guards looked at us with disappointment in their eyes. The one on the left did all the talking.

"Are you here to see the leader?", he asked.

"Yes", I replied.

"Do you have an appointment?", he asked.

"Yes", I replied.

"Name", he said.

"Savannah Wilcox", I said.

"You may enter but the vampire stays here", he said.

I looked up at Sam and he nodded. I let go of his hand and walked up the steps. The guards let me in and I walked inside. I saw someone with a cloak on that covered their body and face. The person was sitting on a broom in mid air.

"Who are you?", she asked.

"My name is Savannah Wilcox", I replied.

"Savannah Wilcox what can I do for you?", she asked.

"I'm here to get my powers revoked", I replied.

"Is this some kind of joke? You possibly can't have your powers revoked until you've decided to be a light or dark witch. And according to my scroll, you haven't even made a choice. Then you have to do something that make you realize you don't want to be a witch anymore", she said.

"I've already made my decision", I said.

"Then what is your decision?", she asked.

"I don't want to be either", I replied.

"Miss Wilcox you will decide or else I'll decide for you", she said.

"I don't want to be a witch", I said a little louder than necessary.

"That's it. From here on out you will be a dark witch", she said.

She pointed her finger at me and I fell to my knees screaming in pain. The door flew open and Sam came rushing to my side. He held me in his arms and hissed at the lady with the cloak. She cackled and flew higher into the air.

"I'm assuming he's your boyfriend", she said.

"Damn right I am. What did you do to her?", Sam asked.

"Turned her into a dark witch since she said she doesn't want to be a light or dark witch. Good luck getting her powers revoked. Until then, go to the place with no light and you'll find it such a fright. That's where I'll be", she said and disappeared.

My body felt numb and weak. I fell on the ground and Sam caught my head before it could hit the ground.

"Savannah look at me. You're gonna be okay", Sam said.

I couldn't speak because I was so confused as to what was happening. I felt my body burn and tingle as my powers settled in. Sam lifted me off the ground and held me in his arms bridal style.

"We can't tell my parents", I said.

"We're gonna have to", he said.

"If we do they'll split us up. You know this is illegal. It's forbidden", I said.

"They wouldn't do that to us. They told me to protect you and that's what I'm gonna do", he said.

"Sam I can't be with you. I'm gonna end up hurting you", I said.

"Don't worry about me. I'll be okay", he said.

He carried me out the building and I saw multiple dead bodies laying on the ground.

"Did you-".

"I did it so I could get to you. Just close your eyes", he said.

I did as he said and felt a rush of wind blow in my face. I can't believe he killed them. He actually murdered them without thinking. Lives lost because I couldn't make a stupid decision. I was set on something soft and I heard the door open.

"Oh my goodness Savannah are you okay?", my mom asked in a worried tone.

"Mr. and Mrs. Wilcox, the leader gave her the powers of a dark witch", Sam said.

"Sam how could you?", I asked.

"They need to know the truth Savannah. Even if they decide to, we both know it was for the best", Sam replied.

"If we do what?", my dad asked.

"Split us up", Sam replied.

"We'd never do that", my mom said.

"Are you sure? What if the vampire council here's about this? Sam, what do we do?" I said, scared and feeling very weak.

"I won't let anyone come between us. I love you way to much for you to get hurt." Sam replied, looking me straight in the eyes while still holding me bridal style.

"Sam, help me up I need to pee", I said.

Sam nodded and walked over to the couch to put me down. I tried to stand up but got dizzy and fell back on the couch.

"Uh, Mr. Wilcox, what exactly happens when a witch gets her powers?" Sam asked.


So, things got a little intense!! Savm is growing stronger!! Yay! If you guys enjoyed this chapter, please vote!
So don't forget to...




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