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February 28th, 1980

"You don't think you went too far?" I asked while rubbing the soapy sponge over the length of my leg, Rick wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me closer to his warm body.

"No one got hurt and besides he was askin for it."

He was asking for it?

"James, you are so insensitive sometimes, I hate it."

His deep chuckle echoed off the bathroom walls. "I'm not being insensitive he was being a stuck up bitch and he needed to loosen up."

"There's other ways you could've went about that and you chose to be an immature asshole instead!" I snapped.

"Why are you so mad? You never get this upset over anything I do." He replies while trying to get me to look at him, the water from the large oval shaped tub flowed out as I shifted uncomfortably.

"Those comments you made about me weren't funny by the way. Why would you say that to your friends?" I changed the subject because it was getting a little too personal for my liking, he sighed heavily after running his fingers through my hair.

"Okay, I'll apologize for that one. I didn't mean to say that shit, I was drunk and it kind of slipped out. I'm sorry." My face contorted at his so called apology, he didn't even sound like he was being sincere. But, I decided not to press him anymore since he rarely apologizes for anything he does even when he's in the wrong.

"I forgive you." I whispered after a few moments of silence, I could feel him smile as he rested his chin on top of my head.

"Remember when your step dad kicked me out of the house after your mom offered me breakfast?" He laughed loudly, I tilted my head slightly trying to remember that specific moment.

"I remember him kicking you out but I never knew why-- probably said something slick."

Rick shook his head as I intertwined our fingers. "I said no thanks I already had some of your daughter this morning, I ain't never seen someone turn so red."

I couldn't help but laugh at the image of my mothers chestnut eyes widening in shock and my stepfathers usually pale face turning cherry red at Rick's comment.

He never did like us as a couple; I always seemed to gravitate towards musicians and when Rick started picking up a bass guitar while I was in high school I started to develop an even bigger crush on him.

"And you wonder why he hates you..." I teased as I exited the now cold bathwater while Rick rolled his eyes before draining the water from the tub.

I used the fluffy white towel that I brung in to dry off with before slipping on my satin panties that were trimmed with lace, I turned around to grab the matching bra but it was no longer there.

My eyebrows furrowed before I looked up at Rick who was smirking to himself, I placed my hands on my hips in annoyance.

"Give it back." I demanded he arched an eyebrow at me before lifting it beyond my reach.

"You gotta work harder than that."

"I'm not doing this with you, James." I huffed before opening the bathroom door he followed out behind me, as we approached the main room I heard someone clear their throat. My eyes widened before I brung my arms up to cover my exposed chest, we had unexpected visitors.

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