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June 5th, 1980

Prince had dragged me to the studio once again but this time he said he had a surprise for me or so he says. You never really know with him. I sat in front of the mixing board tampering with a few things before Prince came out behind me, he placed his hands on top of mine showing me how to adjust things properly.

"Why do you need to bother everything?" He questioned as he rested his chin on my shoulder as I continued to glide the switches around again making him huff in annoyance.

"How else will I learn if I don't experiment?" I respond reaching for another button but he pulled my hands down to my sides. I pouted briefly before he released me.

"There's this thing called asking questions, have you heard of it?" He snickered.

"If your singing career doesn't work out, you should definitely become a comedian!" I stated sarcastically which earned me a heated glared before he leaned against the mixing board.

"You remember that song I said I wrote about you?" He asks suddenly, my heart thudded madly in my chest, my only response being a weak nod.

"Yeah, I do. How could I forget?" A gorgeous smile formed on his face as he looked down at his heeled boots before meeting my eyes again.

"Well, I finished it, and I'm gonna put it on the album." Prince announces causing butterflies to flutter in my stomach, he looked at me for a few seconds waiting for a reaction but I was still trying to process everything.

"Prince, that's amazing!" I gushed, "I can't believe you seriously wrote a song about me--and now it's going on your album."

"You wanna hear it?" He arches an eyebrow, I nodded eagerly.

"Ron, can you play the tape?" Prince says as he turned to face the co-sound engineer, I looked over to the co-sound engineer who was tampering with things.

"Which one?" He responds with a slight frown.

"The song I told you I wrote about a girl I know."

Ron tilted his head slightly, "A lot of these are about girls you know, be more specific."

Prince smacks his forehead, "Do it all night, Ron."

Ron's eyes widen in realization before he begins to play my song, that's still so weird to think about. I have a song written about me and it's going on an album that thousands of people are going to listen to....it's just wow.

"Pardon me, I want to talk to you
I may be kind of shy--"

"Did you just say Pardon me? The Prince Nelson has manners!" I gasped.

Prince scoffed, "Ha ha, so funny."

"I wasn't trying to be funny, you're a rude boy!" Prince shook his head in disagreement before the song continued.

"And I'm so scared
he might do something
To you that you like
Now I've been waiting
Such a bloody long time..."

"What..." I whispered to myself in shock, Prince bit his bottom lip to fight his grin.

"Just to get this close to you
Now that you're near me
I want you to hear me
I'll tell you what I want to do"

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