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Hoseok continued scrolling through his Facebook, late in the night. He didn't have much else to do and it seemed like everyone else's lives were much more interesting than his.

A post caught his eye, a split picture of Jesus and the devil with the words 'like if you love Jesus, ignore if you love the devil.'

Hoseok huffed to himself, "not this stupid crap again."

Hoseok had seen so many of the same posts, so it wasn't a surprise when he scrolled past this post for the 100th time that week.

It was quiet in his house still after scrolling past, and he had no regret in doing what he did. He wasn't one that believes in superstitions.

Not even five second later, a knocking at his door caught his attention and puzzled him significantly.

"Who could be knocking on my door at this hour?"

Hoseok left his couch and phone as he got up to answer the door. Not only was he surprised when he opened the door, but he was surprised with what he seen.

A pale skinny boy around his age, with platinum blonde hair, was standing in his doorway with a bouquet of red roses.

"Hello, I'm the devil.

But you can call me Yoongi."


Blonde Yoongi was my favorite, just saying.

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