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Seokjin hung up the phone with Hosoek and looked around at the busy street in front of him as he waited for the light to change so that he could safely walk across.

He watched a boy with thick thighs stumble and fall a couple feet away from him. Of course, being the sweet guy Seokjin was, he went to help the boy.

"Hey, are you alright?" Seokjin gently gripped the boys arm, pulling him up.

"Yes, I'm okay, thank you. I'm just a big ball of bad luck." The boy ruffled his own hair and looked at Seokjin.

"That's alright, we all have bad luck sometimes," Seokjin smiled sweetly before holding his hand out, "I'm Seokjin by the way."

The boy looked at Seokjin's hand for a second before gently grabbing it and smiling, "I'm Jimin."

Both boys walked over to the crosswalk, and proceeded to wait until they were able to pass.

"So, what did you mean by your bad luck?" Seokjin looked down at the other who was playing with his thumbs.

"Just, everywhere I go, something bad usually happens.." Jimin bit his bottom lip and contemplated walking away now. He didn't want to see anyone get hurt because of his luck.

"Ah, that's nonsense, you sound like my brother." Seokjin laughed to himself.

Jimin looked up at Seokjin, "I sound like your brother?"

Seokjin smiled to himself at the thought of Hoseok, "well, he's not really my brother, but we act like it. He just doesn't have good luck either."

Jimin lightly smiled to himself and looked at the ground until the light changed for them to walk.

Seokjin began walking until he noticed the boy looking at the ground and standing in one spot, "aren't you coming?"

Jimin looked up and smiled, "I'm okay, I think I'll go the other way."

Jimin prayed that nothing bad would happen since his and Seokjin's paths decided to cross. He cursed his bad luck, and he wished he wasn't born with it. Maybe if he didn't carry on with Seokjin, it'll be okay.

Seokjin only smiled and continued walking through the cross walk as Jimin looked after him.

That's when Jimin felt it, that uneasy feeling.

He frantically looked around, for any kind of sign as to what was going to happen. That's when he seen it.

A drunk driver speeding past the parked cars and directly in Seokjin's way.

"Seokjin!" Jimin screamed it out as Seokjin turned around and lightly smiled at Jimin.

And that was it.

The car hit him at full speed in the blink of an eyes, everything went in slow motion, and Jimin could only fall to his knees and cry and pull at his hair. He didn't mean for this to happen, any of it. He cursed his life, cursed his entire being as people rushed past him to see if the boy who got hit was alright.

Seokjin's smile played in Jimin's head as he stared at the ground.

"I'm so sorry."


So, Jimin's character was essential in this chapter for the second book in this series.

Sorry for this depressing stuff. But I promise it'll be okay!


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