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Hoseok leaned up against the bridge rail, peering over into the river that set surprisingly still underneath.

His mind kept replaying Seokjin's words in his head, "trust me, you can do it."

Hoseok sniggered to himself, a small laugh barely audible, "Seokjin, how do you know I can do it?"

His smile faltered and he was still staring at the water below, mind drifting off into places it shouldn't go.

Hoseok reached into his pocket, bringing out his pill bottle with some tiny pills on the inside.

He rose it above his head towards the sky, "is this what you want me to do Seokjin?"

Hoseok brought the bottle back down and shook it, listening to the sounds of the pills smacking against the walls on the bottle.

He sighed to himself before popping the lid off and immediately tilted it, letting all the pills fall out of the bottle and rush towards the river underneath them.

"I wish you were here." Hoseok stared off into the distance, beyond the river and bridge, watching nothing in particular.

He felt a sense of numbness, he guessed it only came along with losing someone you love.

Hoseok felt something wet touch his arm, he looked down and realized it had come from himself. He wasn't aware that he had started crying.

He felt his heart ripping every so often, enough to catch him off guard. He thought his days spent alone in his room crying would have gotten him over Seokjin. He was wrong.

All he needed was Seokjin, he needed that firm ground under him. Now he just felt unstable.

Seokjin told him we would be fine but Hoseok thought otherwise, no matter how many times he told himself that everything would work out.

Nothing seemed right.

"Do you think I can fly Seokjin?"

Hoseok looked up into the gloomy sky, searching for an answer of some sort.

He stared back into the water underneath before taking his phone out of his pocket and setting it on the railing.

"I'm curious." Hoseok lifted his leg over the railing until his entire body was standing on the ledge of the bridge.

"I wish that I could fly Seokjin." Hosoek shut his eyes and let his body fall forward, the wind surrounding him at an alarming rate as he plunged towards the water.

He wanted to keep his eyes shut, but he wanted to maybe see his life flash before his eyes, to see Seokjin again.

But he didn't except to be face to face with a man as soon as he opened his eyes.


The face was so clear, so familiar. Hoseok almost laughed when he looked at Satan as they were both falling towards the water.

"What are you doing Hosoek?" Yoongi's heart broke as he watched the tears flow freely from Hoseoks eyes as the other smiled sadly.

"I'm flying." Hosoek watched as the water got closer and closer, "Seokjin, I'm flying."

"You're not flying, Hoseok." Yoongi opened his black wings and enveloped Hoseok inside of them, both of their bodies almost pressed against each other, "you're dying."

Hoseoks face faltered, complete sorrow washing over him as he looked into Yoongi's eyes, "I know."

Yoongi lifted his hand to touch Hosoek's tear stained cheek, whispering, "share your heartbreak with me, Hoseok."

And then, completely blackness.


I'm finally on break from college.

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