Prologue: The Transferring

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This is Kaia, a world without balance. A world between two dimensions of Humans and Spirits

that fights to exterminate each other.

A world of Chaos. A world of Magic. A world of Hunters.

Ghost Hunt: The Phantom World

Prologue: The Transferring

18 Years Ago: Luven Town

"There are coming closer, you need to hurry up before they kill us all." A woman said to another while she watched the chaos been unfolded in the near distance. She could see the blue flames engulfing most of the houses and hear the screams of the people been killed by Phantoms or trying to escape from their ghostly figures, faintly glowing on the darkness. Soon they were going to reach their hideout and that will be the end of everything. Once a town ward was breached by Phantoms, there was no escape and that's why they needed to finish before it was too late and all hope was lost forever.

"I can't rush this, Nyra. The child is too young to carry this burden." Said the older woman proving the girl's mind, just to make sure she was able to hold the memories.

"I'm sorry but there is no other way if we want the Gate of the Phantoms closed. We have been punished long enough, it's time to finish this madness once and for all. We need to pass the knowledge to someone else, with no keepers blood on them." Nyra said hoping her grandmother will understand the need of finishing the process as soon as possible.

"Yes, the Phantoms killed this girl parents, she knows the pain of losing loved ones from those creatures. She will find her way to give this world balance again when the right time comes and with no influence from any other keeper, she will have a free mind and a deeper wish to end this hell." The older woman said, putting one hand on the five years old child. The girl was unconscious at the moment. She just witness her parents deaths right in front of her a few minutes ago when she manages to save her. The moment she touched the girl she knew she had the ability needed to withstand the transferring of knowledge.

"We don't have much really need to pass the ability to her as fast as you can. It will be painful for someone as young as her and with no previous training, but at least she will live a better life than this. Do it now...hurry!" Nyra pressed again and the old woman sighed. Nyra was right, she need to hurry.

She closed her eyes and concentrate on the task ahead. Her hand begin to glow pale green over the child forehead. She mutter some words to prepare the way for the transfer and felt that the unconscious girl did not resist her touch. Yes, the girl was willing to take her offering without resistance and so she began to give her all the memories she carries from past centuries. The memories from all keepers before her and those of herself. The girl began to tremble with the sudden burden of her young mind and she could feel the strain she was putting on the little body, but she resisted the pain well for her tender age. This was a strong child indeed. She has chosen well.

"I can see them now. Our time is up Reisha we need to go now. The girl will be in less danger without us near. Give her the talisman and she will be safe from Phantoms until someone else finds her." Nyra said and the older woman create a special seal that will hold her remaining memories, along with her own talents to the girl until she was ready to receive them all in full.

It was a risky move for such a young mind, but she didn't have more time. If the girl survived that night, then she will hold a great power like any other and perhaps make a new path on a chaotic world created by men itself. Kaia was after all, the merging world of the living and the death. She hoped the girl will have a better future than her and all those generations before her.

"I hope you live long, little Mai. I like the name your parents gives you. It's a name given to you with love and hope. Save humanity when you are ready. The decision will rest in you. Farewell... and be safe. There will be a time when the Phantoms will fear you." She said giving the girl her last protection. A talisman that passed from centuries to one keeper to another. Then, both women left the girl hidden and go face their destinies. Even if there was no tomorrow for them, the future wasn't completely lost yet.

The time will come when everything will be right again. She was sure of it. Now she can die in peace, no Phantom will take away more than her lif,e as they corrupted the spirits by possessing their victims until they became Phantoms themselves. Yet, people with strong will could not be corrupted and they pass on as normal people do, as it was before men tried to harness the energy left by the departed. Before men open the gate to the Phantoms and doom themselves to a world of madness and death. She will live on in the memories transferred to the new generation. Her task was already completed and she was ready to join the loved ones she lost on that endless war. A war she hoped it will end soon, with the child she trusted her gifts and destiny.

Hope you like it. This will have very slow updated, sorry.

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