Chaper 10

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All of us were pretty hungry after that trip to the park, so we decided, well Niall decided on going to Nandos. As we went inside the restaurant, a waiter led us to our table. I picked a seat next to Louis and Zayn. The waiter took our orders and went away.

"Why do tigers eat zebras? I mean what did the poor zebras ever do to the tigers to deserve to be eaten by them!"

Louis asked out of no where

"It's because zebras vhave stripes" I said sarcasm lacing every word.

"Or it's called the cycle of life" Emi said giving me a glare

I assume Zayn saw it because he asked "Emi could I see you for a second?"

Zayn P.O.V

"Or it's called the cycle of life" Emi told Lana giving her a rude glare

What was wrong with her? She has been acting very strange ever since we adopted Lana. Did she hate her? That can't be right, she has only seen her once.

"Emi could I see you for a second?" I asked her

She followed me outside and we sat on a little bench.

"What's wrong?" I asked

"Nothing, why would you think that!" Emi said

"I saw the glare you gave her. And you have been acting very strange ever since Lana had arrived"

"It's just I don't want all of you to forget about me! I know she has only been here for a few days but I feel like all of you have been ignoring me! And it always happens that when someone new comes in, everyone forgets about the other person." Emi said looking down.

Wow, never thought that would come out of her mouth. Had we been ignoring her? I don't think so? Emi has always been sensitive when it comes to attention, but either way I needed to clear this up. We couldn't have Lana running away the first week we got her!

"Emi we could never forget about you! Look how far you have brought us! Look how many memories we have made together! I would never want you to feel like we didn't love you because we do, all of us." I told her

It was the truth. We really did like her! We would never be the same without Emi. She is sug a sweet, fun, girl!

"Thanks Zayn. I will try to be nicer"

"No problem! Now let's go eat!"

Emi's P.O.V

The dinner was nice, I mean besides Lana talking about herself and all! I know Zayn just talked to me about her, but there is something else. Something that I can't think of that I don't like about her. She is nice, pretty and all but not a slutty type of girl. What was it!

Lana's P.O.V

We decided on watching movies the rest of the night. I mean what else is there to do the rest of the night! I know! I can stalk The Wanted! Wow, stalk The Wanted? Who was I? As I got out my phone, which the boys bought me yesterday, I went to Instagram. Basically, all my followers are people who are like me, stalk The Wanted all day! As I was scrolling down my feed, Louis caught eye of my phone.


"The Wanted?"

"OH HECK TO THE NO!" He yelled snatching my phone away from me.

"What was that?" I asked anyone

"It's Louis. He is just being the sassy bitch he is." Harry said

Wow I love these people

"HEY! Harry is bullying me Liam!"

Louis yelled

"Would you people just shut up and watch the movie!" Liam told Louis

And with that, we watched Twilight.


"TEAM JACOB!" Niall yelled

"Are you pyscho! Team Edward all the way!" Harry blurted out

"But Jacob has better abs then Edward!" Niall said

We all gave him weird looks

"And you would know that how?" I said

"Hey, even though I'm a guy, he does have pretty good abs!"

"True, true!" Harry said

"Welcome to our life" Liam told me

"Oh goodness!" I replied


Hi! I hope you liked the story! I have given this story for my sister to write. She has written chapter 9 and 10! Thanks!

Just saying, Niall with glasses is my favorite Niall! :)

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