The Lead

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They are on a mission. Delphyne convinced Catalina to find this mystery thief after Catalina filled her in on what happened. Now they are tracing the steps of this thief. They got as far as the road.

"This is helpless; we're never going to get anywhere." She knows she's being pessimistic, but she can't help it. It's hopeless.

Not with that attitude. You got us this far, now use your head. What makes sense for someone who stole a painting to do next.

She gasps. Catalina knows Delphyne knew the answer the whole time, but she doesn't care. "I know where to go! He'll sell it!" She starts to walk towards the market. They had come to the conclusion that only a man would steal the painting. No one would believe a woman made it.

Or he'll show it off, before he tries to sell it.

Catalina doesn't slow. "Same difference, same place," she calls up to where Delphyne is flying overhead.

They reach the market in no time. Delphyne spots it before she does.

Over there, to the right. There's a big crowd.

Catalina rushes to the already dissipating crowd. Through gaps of people, she sees various paintings sitting on easels. None of them are hers. She sees a bulky man taking away the paintings and easels and makes a snap decision. With a quick look at an agreeing Delphyne, she goes over to the man.

"Excuse me, si-"

The man rudely interrupts her. "I'm sorry, Signora, we aren't selling these paintings."

"But I-"

"Good bye." He turns his back to her and walks away.

Delphyne says one word. Go. And she's off. He's not paying attention to her, so it makes it easy to follow him. She doesn't know why she's following him; she had a strong feeling he was going to lead her to her painting. For her sake and Delphyne's, she hopes she's right.

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