Grand Finale

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Catalina follows the man to a carriage. Delphyne slips into her pocket, while she hides behind a nearby bush. The man finishes stashing the paintings in the back and goes into the carriage, talking to some other man, presumably the painter of these pictures. Catalina stealthily hops onto the back of the carriage, hoping none of them look out and see her.

The carriage finally arrives at a house. Catalina hides behind a tree while they unload the paintings. The bulky man goes off with the carriage and the man he was with heads to the house. She follows quietly behind him, and, thankfully, he doesn't turn around.

Just as the door is about to click shut, Catalina slips through. She goes through the sitting room and into the kitchen. His back is facing her. She could make out his brown . wavy hair, cut close to his head, a little on the longer side.

It's now or never.

She heard Delphyne's comment but couldn't respond. taking a deep breath, she speaks.

"Where is it?" Her voice sounds authoritative to her, and she's happy about that. The amn spins around in surprise.

"What are you talking about?" He has nerves, questioning her like that. He knows well what she is talking about.

"The painting. Where is the painting?"

"I'm not selling any paintings right now. You can come back next week, just like everyone else has to."

Catalina doesn't miss the fact that he isn't questioning what she's doing in his house. He turns his back on her, just like his friend. She has had enough of being pushed away like an annoying child.

"Fine. If you won't give me my painting back, I guess I'll just have to look for it myself." She stomps out of the room, eyeing the man to see his reaction. He pivots and looks at her, opposition clear on his face.

"No, wait, stop!" He shouts to her. Catalina comes to a halt.

"You don't understand," he says, "why I did it. I'll explain why, if you want, but let's be civil about it."

She nods her head and lets him lead her to the table in the kitchen.

"My name is Leonardo."

She catches on and says, "And I am Catalina."

"It's nice to meet you, Catalina, however absurd the reason for our paths to cross." She looks at him impatiently. " Okay. You may think this is crazy, but I only took your painting to protect you."

"That is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard in my life!" Catalina explodes. "You don't protect someone by stealing something of theirs. How do you even know about my painting!My own Mamma didn't know about it. I certainly did't tell any of my friends or fellow acquaintances. Not to mention the fact that you somehow broke into my house,and only I figured it out! So please, if you don't mind my asking, explain to me what in the world caused you to do this and how you got away with it." By the end of her chastise, Catalina is wiped out. She sits down in a chair and watches Leonardo contemplate an answer. She hopes it's a true one.

He bites his lip. " I don't know you. Before, I didn't know you painted that picture. Not until two nights ago. I don't know if you can believe this, but it's the truth. I get visions sometimes. I got them a lot more when I was younger. Art helps keep them at bay. So I do art." He takes a breath and looks at Catalina. He continues after meeting her steady gaze. "I saw you in the vision. You were painting a beautiful painting. I could tell something bad was going to happen because of the painting. I don't know how or what, but I knew it was going to be because you had the painting with you. Something terrible. It's a feeling I can't describe. So I knew I had to get the painting and sell it to someone. I was going to give you the money when I sold it, but you found me first. I'm sorry."

He looks out the window to his yard. "Something terrible was going to happen." He looks back to Catalina. "I did know it was because you would have it.  I didn't tell you because I didn't know if it would happen if you would sell it. Or if it will happen anyway, now that you know. I'm so sorry."

Catalina waits a moment before responding to his pleading face. "I believe you." Leonardo looks at her with wide eyes.

" I won't take the painting. I don't need the money, just make sure to spend it wisely, maybe give it to people who do need it."

Thank you, Catalina silently tells Delphyne. She doesn't expect her to hear her, but she replies back with a soft your welcome.

"It's a beautiful painting, Catalina." He smiles at her.

"Thank you." She gets up and walks to the door. Leonardo follows suit. Just as she is walking away, he asks, "Why do you believe me?"

"It's a secret," she calls over her shoulder as she disappears out of view.

On her way home, all Catalina could think of is that her mother was right. The world will see her painting. She just knows they'll love it.

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