The Purge: Election Year (2016)

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Starring Frank Grillo, Elizabeth Mitchell, Mykelti Williamson, Joseph Julian Soria, and Betty Gabriel. The second sequel to the 2013 hit The Purge hit theaters in the United States on July 1, 2016. The movie focuses on Frank Grillo, who is a familiar face in the last sequel: Purge Anarchy, as he now works for senator Roan who is the target to be eliminated on this year's purge.

Rated R for good reason, the gruesome flick is definitely the most gory and violent one of them all. Out of all the purge films, this one would have to be the most violent in both gore and language.


Senator Charlie Roan is a prominent target during this year's purge due to her pushing to abolish the purge once and for all-if elected. With the protection of Leo (Grillo), she is forced to flee her home on purge night after becoming betrayed and they must navigate through the blood thirsty purgers outside and survive until that next morning.

Out of ten stars I would give it a six. Out of all the purge movies, this is one of the worst as the story lines appeared minimal in being thought out. But if you enjoy gory flicks and politics, then this is one for you.


Wait for it on Redbox.


RATING:Rated R for disturbing bloody violence and strong language

RUN TIME: 1 hour 45 Minutes

GENRE: Horror


-The film takes place in March 2025

-During the debate scene, the presidential candidates' dialogue are off-sync with what they're actually saying during long shots.

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