Starring Alexander Skarsgard, Margot Robbie, Samuel L. Jackson, and Djimon Hounsou, and released in theaters on July 1st, 2016 in the United States.
It is a story circulating around the character of Tarzan (played by Skarskgard) who returns to his home after eight years to find that his people are forced into slavery in exchange for the English King gaining control of the ivory and materials Africa has to offer. With those he saw as family, Tarzan returns and tries to break down the main antagonist, Leon Rom, all while trying to save the woman he loves, his wife, Jane.
With a PG13 rating, it fits the action and detail of the original Tarzan written by Edgar Rice Burroughs. And is quite darker than the Disney version.
The film has beautiful cinematography with exquisite acting, and makes you forget it is a film to begin with. It makes you feel as though you are experiencing the African jungle alongside Tarzan and Jane. That being said, if you do not know the story of Tarzan, or do not like movies with a lot of build up or action, this is not a movie for you. As far as what was "child-friendly", there is crude humor, language, and a love scene between Jane and Tarzan in the beginning-middle. But very tastefully done. Skarsgard and Robbie give beautiful portrayals of the legendary survival couple, along side a humorous character by Samuel L. Jackson, and a strong warrior type being Djimon Hounsou.
Out of ten stars, I would give this an eight. Only due to the fact of it being slightly drawn out with some scenes I felt were unnecessary. That being said, it was a beautiful film and I have seen in twice since it came out (six days ago!)
Go see it! Definitely!
RATING: PG-13 for sequences of action and violence, some sensuality and brief rude dialogue.
RUN TIME: 1 hour 50 minutes
GENRE: Action Adventure Romance
-Emma Stone turned down the role for Jane Porter?
-The very first draft of the film was loosely based on two original novels, "The Return of Tarzan" and "Tarzan and the Jewels of Opar," but subsequent drafts evolved from that point to be a different take.
-At 6 foot 4, is the tallest actor to portray Tarzan, an inch taller than who was 6 foot 3.
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