Chapter Five: I'm In The Band?!

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Justin P.O.V

I saw something that was a little different that anything I have ever seen. People had made posters that said bring Eza back. I saw a little smirk on Jesse’s face. I went up to Kellin to tell him about this.

“Kellin something has happened.”

“Yeah I know everyone loves Eza.”

“I think Jesse is going to ask her if she wants to be permanent.” I said. I saw Kellin’s face drop.

“You don’t think he will, will he?”

“He just had a kid. He would do anything to get back home. Plus Jesse has been talking about it to us that he might leave when we find a replacement. I think he saw one in her.” I glanced over to Eza who was surrounded by guys. I felt the jealousy rise up in me.

“I don’t want to kick her out. I really like her, but I don’t want Jesse to leave us.”

“Kellin sometimes you need to do things that are better for the band, and not for yourself. So what are you going to do?”

“Jesse just had a kid I know how that feels. If he wants to leave he can leave. I won’t stop because he can do whatever he wants and we will all support him no matter what. Plus Eza has never felt loved her whole life. I think this will be good for her. Jesse is my best friend, he’s all of ours but we need to respect him if he wants to leave.” Kellin said looking off to where Eza was.

“So we tell Jesse that he can go back home and we will keep Eza in the band?”

“Yeah, so let’s get everyone together.” Kellin replied and walked away.

Eza P.O.V

It was time for us to move to our new place. I knew that I should be leaving before they do, but Justin said that Kellin had something very important to say.

“So guys… I don’t really know how to put this but all of us decided this. Eza you are going on tour with us.” Kellin said looking at me.

At first I didn’t know what to do but sit there with my mouth gapping open.

“You better close your mouth before a fly flies in.” Justin said laughing.

“Also...” Kellin began talking again. “Jesse had a baby, congrates to you. We all know how you were staying with us until we found a replacement. Well we did. Eza, we were wondering if you don’t mind and play for Jesse while we are on tour and if you want further on.”

Jesse was absolutely happy to be back with his family and I was stoked to being the new guitarist and am on tour with the people that I considered heroes. I hugged Jesse.

“I’m so excited that we found someone we trust. Please Eza watch over these idiots.”

“I will, and have fun raising you child. I know you will be a great father.”

The next day Jesse was on his way home and I needed things from home. Kellin and I rented a car so we could go to my house and not get recognized.

I walked inside and crept up stairs. I grabbed a duffel bag and began shoving clothes in it. I grabbed my makeup, my straightener, and all the things that I would need to go on tour. I walked over to my dresser and opened a secret spot where I hid about 4 grand. I grabbed my bag and headed down stairs. Someone grabbed the strap of my duffle bag and pulled it back. I slammed my head on the stairs.

“Where do you think you’re going?” My mom’s voice rang out. My head felt like someone has taken a sledgehammer to it.

I slowly slid down the stairs. My mom followed; once I was at the bottom of the stairs she grabbed me by the hair.

“Answer me!” She slapped me hard right across the face. I was shaking under her touch. “Answer me!” She repeated.

She threw me against the door frame. I reached up for the door knob and pulled myself up. The door opened and I fell hitting my hip on the floor. My mom tried to pull me back in but I kicked her and she fell back. I stood up and ran out to the car; tears were streaming down my face. I screamed at Kellin to start the car. I sat in the car driving, rain had started. Soon I would be out of this dreaded state. Once I was done crying I was sat there shaking. My head rested on the window.

We arrived at the tour bus and I grabbed my duffel bag and headed to the bathroom. I locked it and I heard everyone shouting for me to come out. I pulled out the familiar small razor blade. Just as I was about to cut Kellin came busting in. He took the razor blade away from me and scooped me up. I cried into his shoulder. Everyone peered through the doorway.

“Everything is fine. Nothing will ever hurt you with us here.” He whispered in my ear, rocking me back and forth.

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