VI. Dizzy

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"Mitch" That's all I think about; Mitchie. Mitch... Oh Mitchell! But I can't let this happen. This can't continue right now

"Mikey?" She pants out and I take my hand out,brushing her bangs off her face

"I don't think this is the right time" I don't know why,but I feel too ashamed right now

"For what?" Sometimes I wish her quirked eyebrow wasn't something really sexy for me. Especially in moments like this when I have to stop myself from taking every inch of her

"For ... Well you know,for uhh" I start to feel my cheeks getting hot and I look all around the room not being able to handle her piercing and alluring gaze

"For having sex?" She asks. Her hand cups my chin and I slowly nod. My blush increasing as she smiles and leans to peck my cheek

"We're not having sex Mickey. I just ... uhh" she bits her lip as her eyes narrow in wander

"I feel this ... adrenaline and powerful thing just waiting to be free but not to the point to get that far" her finger trails from my face to my cleavage and I feel my heart skip a beat. The air of the room fading away as the tone of her voice lowers

"Oh ... So..." I can't even finish my sentence cause I'm too nervous too get the right words together

"Yeah" the mischief in her gaze makes something in my south area burn up and I can only bit my lip in effect.

"And in any case,Mickey,if we ever do that,we would never have sex. We'll make love" the gap between our lips is gone and after some seconds,I return the kiss with equally passion. Running my hands down her butt and pulling her down my thigh,I watch as she throws her head back and my name slips out of her lips. In my haze of desire I quicken my pace and soon her face is buried on my shoulder making this fucking amazing little sounds.

My right hand runs down and over her hip,feeling them buck up into me harder as I grasp the waistband of her jeans . . .


I fall over the bed exhausted. Our breaths irregular and our hands shaking.

"Wow" She gasps

"That was awesome" I whisper,rolling over my body so I can face her. I wrap my arm around her waist,pulling her closer while she places her head on my chest. I let out a sigh at the contact of her skin.

God,her body is magnificent,it makes me feel tingles all over my body.

"Should I put on the next movie?"

She mumbles. I giggle and stroke her hair with my fingers,earning a small mewl from her lips.

"I'll do it" I say and kiss her forehead before pushing myself off the bed. I walk until the DVD and open it. I put on another movie and turn around to catch Mitchie's eyes on my lower body. I quirk my eyebrow at her as she looks up with a guilty look.

"I was kind of enjoying the view" she pouts tilting her head. I shake my head laughing,this woman sure is something else.

I sit beside her,placing my right arm around her shoulders and my left one behind my head for support. She wraps her right arm around my waist and intertwines her leg with mine. It's the loud and scary track which makes me finally focus on the screen . . .


It's Friday's midnight and everybody is in their rooms watching the classic soccer game. So I decided to just relax a little. You might think I relax a lot but you really don't have an idea of how stressful y parents can be

My parents had a fight yesterday and,who paid the consequences? Me and my brother,as always.

Now all I can do is be in the pool or watch TV in the room. Jake seems to have trouble with that since he loves the beach but I'm perfectly fine with it. I know my parents will be okay tomorrow,so why bother about it?

I place my glass of Absolute on the ground. It was supposed to be for my dad but since he preferred to watch the soccer match,it's mine now. My mom went to the room to organise some clothes and Jake is watching some random cartoon. So I'm all by myself. With three glasses of alcohol and two totally empty.

I trail my fingers over the water,making shapes and small waves. I am fucking bored.

I am observing the perfect wave my palm is making when a shadow stands beside me and calls my name.

"Mickey?" Wait,I know that voice.

I lift my head to get a better view

"What are you doing here?" The voice is nearer and that's when I notice she's got on her knees. It is my Mitchie

"Mitchieeee!" I throw my arms around her shoulders and hug her tight. I can't help it,seeing her always gets me excited

"Are you okay Mik?" My lips are over her shoulder and my fingers are running through her back teasingly. God why does she have to be so sexy?

"Never better" I pull away from her shoulder and place my lips over hers. Everything is grey like if a storm is about to start and my thoughts are right cause as soon as I place my hands on the ground to get comfier,I feel a raindrop on my arm.

"Honey,what if we continue this in my room?"

"That sounds good to me" I giggle and try to stand up but fail. My arm crashes with the glass and I am about to fall into the pool when Mitchie's arms pull me up and into her body. Hum guess alcohol is starting to get me

"Oh my god,are you okay. Come on,we have to clean this before it gets bigger" wait,clean what?

She places my arm around her shoulder and pulls me up mmm this sensual body sure is strong ... I wonder how it will feel like ... Oh wait! I already know. oh god, Mitchie only the thought of her skin makes me go all ..uhm what was the word? Someth lik h ye yeah ...


"Feeling better baby?" I hear someone asking from upon my head. Once I turn to see who was it,I can't stop the smile that forms on my lips. My head hurts a little but that won't stop me from enjoying being with my Mitchie

"Pretty much" I mumble and bury my face on her neck. Mmm Jesus, she smells so good.

I start kissing her delicious skin and smile when I feel the vibration of her groan on my lips

"How--How's your arm,Mik?" My arm?

"My arm? It's okay" I mumble over her neck. I really don't care about my arm,all I want to do is enjoy the taste of her soft and delicious skin

"Mickey,you're drunk. Please,stop" I'm not drunk! I know exactly what I'm doing and I'm sure of it.

"Mitch,I'm not drunk. The nap helped me,I'm just a little dizzy. And I -- I" how do I say it? Do I even say it?

I trail my index finger over her thigh and up to the waistband of her shorts. I slip it under her shirt and lift it up until her abdomen is completely exposed to me.

I hear her take in a big breath and I look up to watch her eyes shut closed. I smile at the sight and get closer,finally resting my body over hers. I pull my hand up and cup her cheek on my palm. My heart beating fast due to the importance of what I want to say. But it only takes a glance to her beautiful face for me to finally spill it

"I love you"

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