V. I don't think so

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Days passed and I spent most of my time with Mitchie,not that I'm complaining,I was just saying.

I actually do love being with her,she's so funny and cute. I also got to know she's really smart,it's really amazing how she makes everything sounds so interesting. With Kelsey it was everything about her crushes,videogames and skate...Not that I don't like that stuff,I actually love it but Mitche is so different. She knows about that and million of things more. I discovered that we share most of our likes,like reading,writing,singing,drawing,suspense movies,TV shows,she's just like perfect for me! Let alone her sweetness,kindness,cuteness..she's such a gentlewoman. Last night we were watching a movie in her room 'Harry Potter' and every move she made was just so gentle ...

*** Flashback ***

We are laying of her parents's matrimonial bed,my body shifting closer into her right side. She has an arm wrapped around my shoulders,making lines and circles with her fingers on my arm. My head leaned on her chest listening clearly to her heartbeat;it was music to my ears. I flutter open my eyes to find out the kiss part of Harry and Jinny has just happened. Did that much time really passed? I'm honestly not paying attention to the movie,just to the feel of her body fitting perfectly beside hers.

She places her chin above my head letting out a soft sigh

"You're sighing" I whisper smiling,looking up to her face as much as I can without making her drop her chin from above me

"It's a good sigh" she whispers back. Her right hand reaching up from my shoulder and to caress my cheek with her thumb. I've never felt this relaxed before.

"I really like you Mik" she says kissing my forehead in the process. Luckily her family wasn't in the room,that would have been really awkward. Don't get me wrong,I love her family and I love having this cute moments with Mitchie but still it's a little awkward have them in front of her parents.

"And I like you too Mitch,so much" I whisper back,caressing my lips with hers since she's already lifted her head. I catch her pink flesh between mine,kissing her softly yet deeply. Her hand caresses my curls on my back and slowly creeps up to my neck. While I let out a soft moan,her fingers scratch the back of my head softly. That feels soooo good.

I place my right hand on her hip and pull myself more into her. Her tongue brushes my bottom lip and I let her in immediately,dying to feel her more.

It's heaven. Our mouth muscles running gently over each other,fighting wasn't necessary,it's slow and gentle;like ever single other she always gives me.

Everything is getting heated but before something more could happen,I pull away in need of air. Leaning my forehead against hers,I sigh. I still can't completely believe this is happening. Everything I was hoping for this holidays was to forget about Kelsey but instead,destiny sent me this beautiful woman and made me feel invincible. Like life can never get better than this.

I open my eyes finding Mitchie staring at me,a smile plastered on her beautiful face.

"You're so beautiful" she whispers caressing my bottom lip with her thumb and the back of my ear with her other four fingers. I hit my lip trying not to groan at the feeling. Skyrockets explode inside my stomach and chest because of the way she's looking at me,because of the way her fingers caress me so slow and soft,because of the way she makes me feel loved and wanted.

"So are you" I whisper back trying not to kill the mood. She smiles and leans in to peck me once more.

*** End of Flashback ***

Unfortunately I had to go back to my room early. See,I was supposed to be at the pool with a guy that supposedly invited me and I was supposed to go back before five in the evening. So I was supposed to go back to the room and say "Oh I really liked this guy! He's so cool!" So that's what I did.

After watching some TV,my parents decided to go to the mall. Which I think it's so stupid. You go far from the city;where you practically love at the malls,and all you do is keep wasting money in there.

When we came back it was almost midnight. So I didn't have time to go to Mitchie's room so I just sent her a goodnight message and fall asleep happy as every other night since Mitchie is in my life.


Three days later

Today I had to go on a tour from seven in the morning to approximately six o'clock so when we got back from the tour,I asked my dad if I could go upstairs to the Internet coffee as I "do every night" let's get real,I just did that the first time,since then,instead of going to check on my profile and find a picture of Kelsey with a new chick,I go to my Mitchie's room.

I knock on the door and Mitchie opens almost immediately.

Before I can say Hello,she wraps her arms around my neck and pulls me in for a sweet kiss.

I smile at the suddenness of it and wrap my arms around her waist walking forward,closing the door with my feet.

I pull away just enough to not being kissing her. I look around searching for her parents. I do not want to fault their respect by doing this things with her daughter in their faces

"Don't worry,they're not here" Mitchie mutters between kisses


"They won't come back till midnight" she mumbles,pulling my bottom lip between her teeth,pulling down and releasing it. I moan feeling a warm fire running all over my body. Mitchie spins us around and pushes me into the bed,straddling my hips while rubbing her tongue against my bottom lip asking for entrance.

I content on let her in and our tongues start to work together in a sensational rhythm that is just leaving me wanting more. I moan softly and turn us around without breaking the kiss,pushing her into her bed. I place my right leg between hers and experimentally rock my hips,earning a moan from her mouth.

I feel tingles run from my arms to the centre of my desire. Sending cold goosebumps all over my body. Oh my god.

I pull away from her lips and trail a path all over her face,kissing her forehead,then her nose,her cheeks,her lips and then I proceed to kiss her down her jaw line. Sucking lightly on her rapidly beating pulse point,I feel her shiver and tighten her grip on my hips,pressing my centre against her pelvic bone.

A breathy and alluring moan escapes her lips and it's just then I realise I can't be more turned on.

I place a few open kisses in different spots of he neck before trailing my tongue around the mark I left on her neck. Her grip tightens even more on my hips and she rolls us over so she is now on top of me,straddling one of my legs. She pulls back and climbs off my lap,pushing my legs apart,before crawling back and between them.

Her hips press over mine lightly making me moan loudly in her ear before covering it up by burying my face on her neck and sucking on it roughly. I can't with the pressure anymore. It's too much,the way she's making me burn up is driving me crazy. Her body is everywhere over mine,caressing all the weak spots.

And just when I thought it couldn't get better,she pushes on her lips,rolling them against mine. Oh god oh god I --what is that feeling down there? Oh my GOD! It feels so good!

I throw my head down and onto the pillow,moaning louder. Giving her the perfect chance to lean down and suck on my pulse point. My eyes flutter close at the sensations running through my body. From where Mitchie's lips are attached to all the way down where she is now rocking her hips against mine softly.

A shot of tingles shoot through my centre every time our bones make contact. Her lips nip on the skin of my neck and lick. Pure ecstasy is running all inside of me but that's when it hit me ... Should we really be doing this?

"Mitch" I whisper breathlessly pushing on her so I can see her.

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