IX. Is it possible?

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Six months later

The bell rings,making the headache come back again into my brain. God,why does it have to last that long? It's really not necessary

I walk outside and towards my locker,ready for my favourite time of the day;break.

"Mikayla! Wait!" I stop and turn to face my best friend,who is running like crazy towards me

"Why the rush,Hannah?" I ask continuing walking since she's now beside me,following my steps

"I never find you in the cafeteria,so when I saw you I just had to run fast before you get lost between that crowd of jerks" I chuckle at the natural way her words come out of her. And then I nod,not really knowing what to say since ... well,there's nothing else to say

"Mik?" Ugh I hate so much when people calls me like that. Well I don't hate it but it brings memories back that I've tried so hard to avoid,specially in this days


"Are you okay?" The same question of everyday. Am I? I don't care,why would anyone else do if I don't?


"Oh come on Mik--" and then I lose it

"Don't call me Mik!"

"What the fuck is wrong with you!? I'm just trying to help you! I don't know what the heck is wrong with you and you never give in for me to help you about it!" Wow she's so mad right now,and it's all my fault. Why did I even have to talk to her like that? I'm so stupid,she's not the one to blame,there's no one to blame

"I'm sorry is just ... do you know what day is it?"

"Mikayla don't try to change the sub-su-oh" I give her a half smile and continue walking,finally reaching the cafeteria's door,I look around for an empty table

"Mik,do you still think about her? I thought it was way gone" and just as it it was evil's plan,Kelsey walked by us,totally hearing what Hannah said. We lock eyes,hers screaming playfulness before she chuckles and walks away.

She still believes I love her and am not over her,so with what Hannah said,I don't doubt her ego will increase. Who cares ...

"Would you stop thinking about the love of your life?"

"But what about Taylor?"

"Don't you dare to start with that. So just drop it,please"

"I'm sorry,Mik--ayla" she corrects herself,guess she now remembers how much that affects me. It's been exactly eight months since we started dating and six months since I last saw her.

You would say we talk everyday,and even visit each other every now and then ... but you can't be any more wrong.

We have never talked since six months ago,we agreed on not having any kind of communication because it will hurt even more than it hurts now. And well,about visiting each other,I don't know where she lives,she doesn't know where I live,and my parents are such bitches that they don't even let me go out of the city

"It's okay,let's just get something to eat" she nods and we pass to pick our food,before walk towards the probably only empty table able in the room

"Hey!" I jump back creeped the fuck out and focus my eyes on the smiley girl standing in front of me. Oh just what I needed.

"Hi,Taylor ..." I fake a smile,praying she goes away

"Look,I brought you this" she pulls her arm from behind,which I didn't noticed until she moved,and a red rose makes it's way in front of me.

"Taylor ... You shouldn't have" I exclaim trying to sound sweet.

"Well the most beautiful girl in the world deserves it" and I lost it again. That simple and common sentence reminds me of Mitchie so much. She used to tell me that all the time,and instead of being annoying,like it is from Taylor,it was sweet,it was lovely,it was perfect. Because it was from Mitchie. Oh Jesus,I really am a typically depressed teenager aren't I?

"Thank you" I mutter just staring back at her. Hope that is enough for her to go because I really want to cry my eyes out and I'm not doing it in front of her

"So...oh sorry,you might want to eat. I'll go,have a beautiful day,Mikayla" I only have time to mutter a "you too" back before she is already gone behind me

"She's sweet..." Hannah whispers unsure

"Yeah" and that narrows it down. Nobody says a word because I'm too sad to talk and she's too scared of me to say a word. I wish things could change but without Mitchie,I just can't be the same.

"So...Look at that how,already flirting with the new girl" Hannah says as I take the last bite of my carrot. Chewing on it,I look back,only picturing Kelsey leaning against the wall,another shape standing in front of her but my sight doesn't give for more to see who she is.

"New girl?" Was there a new girl? Wow I'm really that low that I didn't noticed there was a new girl

"Yeah,she arrived today and that asshole is already all over her"

"Well I don't doubt she already caught her" I comment sincerely. That girl really can get whoever she wants,I still don't know why. She's not that pretty and sure as hell isn't a good person

I look back again,to see the play happening behind me.

Truth to be told,Kelsey is making that pose she walkways does when she flirts. It's really pathetic and funny now that I see it,but it was cute when she tried it on me.

I look to the side,to the girl. She smaller and in a good shape,compared to Kelsey,who is all gross and muscled,well not really but it's weird.

Her hair is long and brunette,the colour if it is ... is really unique. I've only seen that shade of brown in one person. I trail my eyes lower to find out her body is really well built. She's got this hips and this ... wait a ...

Something weird suddenly my attention,a shinny silver ring in her right hand. It looks like ...

I look down at my left hand,the promise ring Mitchie and I share,still around my finger. It's identical to hers.

"Mikayla!" I snap out of my thoughts and look back at Hannah

"I thought you were so in love with Mitchie,but I see you're really interested in the new one"

"Wait a second..." And that's when it hits me. Is this a coincidence? I don't care because I'm soon walking towards the new girl,not caring for a thing

"MIKAYLA! Where are you going?" Hanna yells from behind me. But I'm already two steps away from Kelsey

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