Song of myself

13 0 2

My skin is tight around my anxiety-ridden bones,

my jacket is suffocating me; it is 102° fahrenheit but I am

not allowed to take it off.

I am not allowed to take my skin off.

It isn't my skin anyway, this isn't the state of my bones.

This is the state of the bones forced into a cookie cutter cut out

cut out

phrasal verb of

(of a motor or engine) suddenly stop operating.

synonyms: stop working, , , give out, break down

This is going to stop working,

just when I'd gotten my bones to calm, they were forced into a

mold of discomfort and


A cast.



an object made by shaping molten metal or similar material in a mold.

an act of throwing something forcefully.

I had just gotten my bones to settle in my skin.

I was comfortable and accepting

and compassionate to my own


Don't restrict your diet but restrict how you love or how you look,

wear long sleeves to hide shame.

I am not ashamed.

Don't let your lips speak of the person you love because

that kind of love is poison.

That kind of love is my elixir and I

am not ashamed.

I am something to be ashamed of, put into

the oven and burnt to a crisp.

I will be burnt sugar, a creme brulee.


a simple past tense and past participle of

2. of or showing earth pigments that have been calcined and

changed to a deeper and warmer color

A swathe of shame and fragments

of a broken soul, a broken

home is where the heart is,

it is concrete.

Strong and apparent,


What I would like to be one day.

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