Black Part Of Life

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I thought too much that i started to feel dizzy and almost pass out. I couldn't believe my eyes. After all these tough years he suddenly comeback? Imean all these years i thought he's dead! Dead. Urgh somehow that word has always brings up the unwanted memory.

"You know, i don't want you to open this music box only whenever you're sad, but also when you're happy because i don't want to be reason you smile only, but also the reason you're sad." Those words were uttered right before he exhale his last breath in front of me. The thing is he's the reason i was admitted to a mental health hospital few weeks after the incident.

He's the reason i can't think straight anymore

He's the reason of why i can't socialize anymore

He's the reason i'm listed as an anorexic

He's the reason i can't carve even a small smile on my lips anymore.

He's the reason of it all. All the things that had happened since years back and only ended last year.

Somehow, he's not the reason i'm smiling anymore.

Somehow, my eyes could barely stop pouring tears along my cheeks whenever i think of him.

"Hello, there! You okay? How long were you planning to look at me as if you're a cannibal and i'm your next victim?" I can't believe this. He was about to say something again when i speak first.

"Davyan Damarcus D'arton?"

"Whoa, so the past few minute that you spent staring at my face was to know my name? I guess you didn't really have to waste your time if you just ask my my name."

"Y-you don't recognize me? W-wait, i thought you're dead. Am i dreaming?"

"Pardon me, i never do this to anyone neither i know her nor not-" he paused to pull my nose. My nose turns red immediate ly and of course unwantedly because a few minutes later i'll sneeze for more than three times.

"But to prove YOU that you're not dreaming-"yet again, he paused or was paused by my sneeze. I sneeze and sneeze and sneeze and sneeze and sneeze and- urgh i just lost the counting. "So-" sneeze "rry" i managed to say between sneezes.

Instead of laughing, he Davyan asked me if i'm okay and i answered yes. He said he was the one who should apology and not me. But, in fulfilling the manner i still have to or not certain people will think of me as a rude humanbeing. A few minutes later, i heard him chuckles which has grown into a quite a big laugh. His laugh gets slower and he suddenly touches his head.

What now? I thought to myself.

Davyan reach for a chair and quickly sit on it in order to prevent himself from falling into the pool. Now, it's my turn to ask him if he's okay.

"I-i don't know, this hadn't happen for a quite long time" he said before he passed out.

I called people for help. A few minutes later the owner of the museum came and check him out then he called a few of his butlers. Davyan was brought to one of the lounge in the building and i feel responsible to go with them.

I spend the rest of the two hours before i fell asleep at the corner of his bed while waiting for him to wake up, thinking of why he seems like he didn't remember me? What had happened? Was it not him? Didn't he die? I checked he's pulse myself, that day? I still remember it clearly! I know i hadn't lose my mind! Too tired thinking, i finally fell asleep.

No, god please, no! I don't wanna face it anymore, please just stop them. I've had enough. HE had enough suffers. I can't take it anymore.

"Ahh so you're trying to say that you're the most romantic boyfriend a girl ever date to? Which is so wrong..."

"Aww there you go my baby's trying to hide her natural revlon blush that appear on her cheeks. Baby i know you're blushing. Uuu let me see it, let me see it" he's trying to tease me while i'm trying to hide away.

"Hey, watch it sir, you're driving! I swear people at school won't ever believe my words if i tell them you're true colour."

"Haha whatever. Hey babe what's that? Are they in trouble?" There was a bunch of people lifting their thumb, trying to catch attention.

"Yeah, maybe. Ignore them" i don't think we should believe them.

"No, i think they really need help" he stopped his car near the people. He got off the car after he told me to lock the car and stay.

"Dave, no. Davy! Davyan!" I shouted when he ignored me.

A few minutes later was the moment that i regret not to force him to just drive and ignore them. I watched him being stabbed by one of the men and his head was wrapped with a sack, his hands and feet was being tied. Lastly, the part that i knew that he was being kidnapped, his body was being thrown in the van. I was there sitting and watching every inch of their moves. I can't do anything. Every inch of my muscles just felt like they weighted a hundred tonnes.

The van left. However, two men was left behind. Ugh,what now?

They approached Davyan's lamborgini and simply shot the door that i locked before. One of them got in. Automatically my hand swung him a punch that hit his nose. Causing it to bleed. I was about to end his consciousness only when i felt
A hard bang on the back of my head. A few seconds later my sight was totally black.

"Miss, miss are you alright?" I heard someone's trying to wake me up. I slowly open my eyes to find a woman looking at me with a concern look
Suddenly Davyan walked in with his suit from earlier. He was totally freshen up and i'm quite sure that the party was long ended. I got up to my feet and look up at him.

"Ouh, you're awake. I'm sorry that you had to wait for me, but now the friend of yours is looking for you." He said with a steady tone. He act like nothing was happening back then.

"Chantelle! There you are! Could you please explain why am i seeing things? I mean did you see it too? That Davyan's ghost. I think he still loves you and he can't live in the afterlife without you and now he wants to take you away with him! Oh my god why am i babbling like a crazy woman?" Shout Charlotte as soon as she strode in the room.

"Greatt, now there are one beautiful and charming girl and one crazy and granny-like girl who know me. I need the both of you to tell me how you know me." He said with a frown on his face. With that, he hand me in his bussiness card.

"Call me when you're ready." He said before he went off.

I don't even know how he's still alive and don't recognize me. So how am i going to tell him how i know him. A part of me really hope that this is just a dream and another part is hoping that i won't lose him anymore even as a friend.

Yeeaaayyy finally, the end of chapter 3!

I need ypu guys to know that i'm a fully residential school student and i seldomly go home. So i can't update the story. I hope that whoever you are. Don't give up. Including you, Aishah!

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