Finally mustered the courage to talk about it!!
ok I am extremely fucking mad & disappointed in the guy who did this.
I'm like if you dislike LGBTQ+ people, keep it to yourself. Don't kill others just because you dislike/hate them.
If the world was such a place don't you think a lot of people would have died by today already ??
Imagine each person on earth hated at least 1 other person and decided to kill them, would there be survivors? NO. would there be humanity ? NO. would there be peace? NO. people really need to wake up their ideas and start taking look at things from a positive outlook. That's all I have to say, Bless the souls of the innocents that have died.
Different Situations
RandomAll stores are different, it progresses when an issue crops up and I feel the need to talk about it. Also, stuff I got tagged in.