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Tom nearly jumped out of his skin.
"Hey Tom, Weaver, whats the rush?" I ask. Weaver responds saying "your fire must have attracted some air strike attention"
I blinked. "How far away?" I quickly added. "Less then maybe an hour out" Tom replies.
I nodded to myself. "Anything I can do?"
"Just stand guard, help pack, but be on the ready" Weaver says. I nod and run of to the tent to recheive my belongings and help take down the tent.
Matt, Hal, and I are on packup duty, "have you seen Ben?" Hal asks me, I just shake my head. "Well then I guess its up to us" he adds. We bring out all the fold up beds, sleeping bags, pillows and personal bags and begin to take down the tent.

The second mass was packed up and ready to go in less than thirty minutes. Everyones heavy belongings were packed onto the truck and civilians were rushed into vehicles, Hal, Maggie and I were on our bikes. Matt was in the med bus and the rest of the soldiers stood by the civilians for protection.

I was checking my ammo when I felt it. First it was a stab in my leg, then it was a punch in the face... what is going on? It was when Hal called out to me and asked me why my spikes are glowing did I know. I parked my bike and took off to where the connection was coming from, I rounded a corner into the forest when I saw what they were doing.
I pulled out my hand gun and shot near the guys foot. He looked at me and laughed "skitterback girl cant even shoot" he said "Oh no, that was just a warning shot" I said back and went over to where he was and punched him in the face. "What was that for?" He asked while holding his cheek. "That guy you were just hurting? Well that's my best friend" I said to him while looking at him with such harshness.
He went on the defense and moved his arm to punch me, I dodged and moved my knee to hurt him somewhere more sensitive.
"Morgen what are you doing" Tom said while running over too me. I moved forward ever so slightly so he could see who was behind me. "Ben?" He said, running even harder now.
I was convinced that the other guy was going to stay down so I turned to help my friend up. "What were you doing out here Ben?" I asked him as his dad came over to help support his weight "I... uh... i'm not sure... I think he knocked me out" Ben said, clearly in a delirious state. "We gotta get him to the med bus" Tom said. I nodded my head and we made our way there. I left Ben with Tom and went back to my bike to ride alongside the second mass.

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