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I was in his room.
I looked around the room that had become so farmiliar to me over the past years. The posters, the books, the movies, everything here was evident that this room had been lived in. Besides the mess of it, of course. And the homework and schoolbooks scattered throughout his room.
We were sitting on the floor going through the photos that he were kept in boxes under his bed.
"Do you remember this?!" My friend said to me as we were pulling out photos from various times throughout our life.
"Do I ever! We ran throughout this house like crazy people pretending to be the aeroplanes we were playing with!" I said back to him, taking the picture from his hands. "We would have been about seven here right?" I said, my friend simply nodded as he pulled out another. "And this one was from the day that you came camping with us..." Ben said "and on one of our many adventures we came across a person who decided he didnt like our glasses" the memory making us both laugh. "His face when he got knocked on the ground by you, a little twelve year old" both of us laughing so hard our stomachs hurt "I will never forget that" I said to Ben.

It was getting late and there was school tomorrow. "I should go Ben" I said to my friend, he nodded and acompanied me downstairs. When we arrived downstairs a small Mason came running up to me and hugged me. "MORGS!" he said to me, I chuckled slightly and responded "MATTY!". This is what it was like with the Masons and myself. They were like family. Hal came out of nowhere and gave me the biggest hifive. "I could hear you guys laughing from down the street" Hal says to me. "Yes, what was that about" Tom, their father says. "We came across some old photos" I respond to all of them. That made everyone chuckle, everyone knew what kind of ruckus Ben and I got up to as kids and the thought of it made everyone flashback to the simpler times.
"We were just about to eat dinner, did you want to join us?" Tom asks me. "I would love to but I have this thing for school I need to finish" I reply.

I finally say goodbye and head across the road to where my house is situated, completely unaware of what was to come.


It was somewhere between three and four in the morning when I was thrown awake by the sound and feeling of the groud shaking. I knew somwhere in my gut that this wasnt good.
I quickly pulled on some clothes and stuffed two photos into my Jacket pocket. One of myself and Ben, the other of myself and my brother.
Whatever that was causing the ground to shake was getting closer. With that knowledge I ran downstairs of my house, blessed that there was no one else home for me to worry about and forced my feet to run over to the house that I had previously left, less than a few hours ago.

Were they awake? I couldnt tell. I knocked on their door a few times and when I was certain there was no one coming I reached under the rock near the front door for the spare house key. They were almost here. I willed my hands to stop shaling as i put the key in the lock and pushed myself inside their house, closing the door behind me.

The sight was shocking. I saw the Masons buring Rebecca as the brightest light locked onto them, I ran towards them ushing them inside, but it was to late. The aliens where here and they were not going to stop until they got what they wanted.

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