Chapter Sixteen

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Sixteen – Lisa

When it was 4:00pm, we heard a knock at the door. Jack and I looked at each other, deciding on whether or not we should answer. I finally got up and slowly walked over to the door and opened it. I sighed silently with relief as it was only the keeper of the church house, Simon. I smiled politely as I greeted him, “Hi, how are you?” I asked lamely.

            He beamed brightly back at me and replied, “Not too bad, and you?”

            “I’m fine,” I then gestured for him to come in, “Please, come in,”

            He muttered a thank you and stepped inside and greeted Jack, “Hello, mate, is everything fine here?”

            Jack stood up and bowed low. I cover my mouth to stop me from laughing hysterically. “Greetings…mate…?” he answered awkwardly.

            Simon laughed loudly and clasped Jack on his broad shoulder. “You are quite the character, my good man!” He twisted his head around to look at me, “I’m just here to give you your firewood for the night, you guys must have been freezing last night, because there wasn’t a nice warm fire burning here,” I glanced at his arms. It was only then that I noticed that he was carrying neatly chopped wood. He walked over to the fire place and carefully placed the wood down and set it alight. He watched it burn for a few seconds longer than he should have before standing and grinning at up at us. “Sorry to be gone so quickly, but I really have to go. See ya tomorrow then?”

            I smiled and said, “That’s fine, see you tomorrow. Oh, and…something suddenly came up, so we have to leave tomorrow…uh…afternoon?” I glanced at Jack, who slightly nodded.

            Simon glanced at Jack and me and smiled broader. “That’s fine! Oh! I nearly forgot! I’m also here to collect your money,”

            For a moment I thought that he meant that he wanted to rob us, but then I realised that we had to pay him. Jack seemed to have thought the same thing and also realise the same thing. “I am paying,” he said quickly, and shoved his hand deep into his pocket and pulled out the right amount of money that Simon’s website had said. He held his hand out with the money in it to Simon and he gratefully retrieved it.  

“Thank you, my good man!” he exclaimed, walking towards to the door, “As I said, see ya tomorrow?”

            I nodded, “Yep, see you then!”

            We watched him walk over to his car and climb in. He hooted us a final goodbye and we waved at him as he drove off into the distance. Once he was gone Jack and I stepped back inside and shut the door. Jack looked at me glumly, “Why does he call me ‘mate’ and ‘my good man’?”

            I lifted my shoulders, “I don’t know, maybe he’s just being polite.”

            He lifted his head up—which made him look a little snobby—and replied, “I do not like it. I do not like him.”

            I smiled and chuckled shortly. “You’re nice aren’t you?’

            He stared at me and shifted his lips a little, “No. No I am not.”

            I laughed and hugged him, inhaling his unique scent. I really loved it. “You smell nice. Did I ever tell you that?”

            I felt his shoulders move up, “Perhaps,” He wrapped his arms around me. We stayed like this for a long time. It was so comfortable and I actually felt like nothing bad would happen to me. I was confident that Jack would protect me from anything that wanted to harm me.

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