chapter 1

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When I came into this world I was expecting to be wanted, loved like any other child would be when they are born. I had high expectations I guess. 

My parents were not expecting to have twins. They only knew about my sister, Renesmee. After she was born it was a surprise to the whole family that Bella was still giving birth to another daughter, me. Unfortunately, it seems as though my family placed all the blame on me for the critical state my mother was in after I was born. As if I was the only reason why she was deathly sick during her pregnancy and why she died at the end. Not that it matters she survived, in the end, turned into the creature she wanted from the start to be with my father. 

My whole life I've been ignored by my parents and I was basically raised by Rosalie and Emmet my Aunt and Uncle. They took care of me while I was growing, gave me the affection and attention I needed up until I was old enough to fend for myself. Whereas Renesmee was and still is being babied even though we are now 17 years of age. There is one family member outside of Renesmee that still interacts with me, always making sure I'm okay, if I've eaten, that type of stuff. If you haven't guessed yet, It's Esme. She knows how Im treated here and tries to make it better the best she can. 

At this point, you're probably wondering how my relationship is with Renesmee the favorite twin. I have no hate for my sister, the way the family treats me is not her fault. It's not like one of those stories where you hear the sister is always telling false lies about the other and such. We actually have a good sisterly relationship. I know I can depend on her if I need to and my secrets are always safe with her. Renesmee is actually the only one who knows what my abilities are and that I plan to leave for a long while. Renesmee is quite good at keeping certain thoughts out of range of our father and when we discuss certain things I use my unique ability to replicate anyone's powers to block him out. 

As cool as it sounds to copy everyone's powers whenever you want it was hard to control by myself. Especially when I touched Jacob, Renesmee's Mate, for the first time. Turning into a wolf was a huge surprise to Renesmee and me while we were hunting one day. 

Today is the day I decided to leave the family. My bags were packed with enough clothes, money, blood bags to last me for a while, or at least till I get to wherever I'm headed. 

Currently, The whole family and I were lounging about in the living room having small discussions here and there about random stuff, mainly about the Voutri though. I've heard my name pop up in the conversation here and there about my situation. They were confused about my eyes mainly because they are such a vibrant blue they practically glow in the dark. Another issue was how much more of a vampire I was than Renesmee. They have also taken notice that Edward cannot read my thoughts and Jasper cannot feel my emotions so they figured I took after my mother as a shield. 

Naturally, I was bored of just sitting around doing nothing and was glad when Renesmee asked for a glass of juice through our thoughts. Getting up I stretch my legs and headed towards the kitchen and grabbed a cup of juice that was already in the fridge for her and a cup of blood for me. Sipping my drink, I handed Nessie's to her and sat back down on the couch receiving weird/confused glances from the family. Nessie smiled at me as a thank you. I continued to sip on my drink as I observed my surroundings. Nessie was sitting next to me in Jacobs's lap happily drinking her juice, my parents and Carlise were in a discussion about me, Jasper and Alice were in their own little corner having a serious conversation, and finally, Rosalie was bored watching Emmett play his video games. 

I finished my drink and started to play with my ring I was given on my seventh birthday it a simple silver ring with a blue topaz stone with my name engraved on the side. I decided to let my shield down just to see what the outcome would be, how Jasper or Edward would react to any thoughts or emotions I decided to let through. 

As soon as my shield dropped I could see out of the corner of my eye Jasper stiffening and quickly whisper to Alice, Edward's head snapped over to me with wide eyes before quickly talking to Carlise again. I started to think about every memory that I had that involved me being neglected and having to grow up too fast. I let down my guard and made jasper feel how I was feeling through it all. I'm sure if Jasper could cry he would have just by the look on his face and the worried glances I kept getting from Alice. My father was standing there with a lost look on his face as he is lost in my memories. The last memory I allowed my father to see was me listening in to a conversation he was having with my mother about me. The conversation went along the lines of not knowing what to do with me and giving me to Rosalie and Emmett to take care of me instead of them. I put my shield back up cutting them off from anything else they might see or feel. 

I wanted them to know what they put me through emotionally since the day I was born. To see, feel, maybe even feel guilty for what they did and/or didn't do. I was leaving today and after my stunt probably sooner than I expected. I did not want to have to sit around and feel their stares at me while they talk about me to each other. I glanced over at Renesmee and she understood. Instead of saying anything out loud, she placed her hand on my cheek and said smiling "Be safe while traveling and keep in touch" I smiled back at her and told her I would never lose contacted with her and that I loved her. Then I did something that would probably shock everyone but her, I touched Jacobs's arm and threatened him "If I hear one word from Renesmee about you hurting her or not keeping her safe I will come back and make a coat out of your fur!" The look on Jacobs's face was priceless, the fear and shock. 

The family was silent after my father explained what he just heard from Jacobs's thoughts the only thing you could hear was Nessie laughing and trying to make Jacob less scared. Carlise was the first to speak "How do you have more than one ability?" he asked startled "That's not possible, I've never heard of a vampire having more than one ability before!" I smirked chuckling a little bit before I spoke up, "And you still haven't Carlise, I have one singular ability that allows me to have multiple." I can see the wheels turning in his head before he finally began to understand what I meant. "You can copy replicate our powers?!" He asked shocked. The family was so surprised with this newfound information about me.

"You would have known this if you hadn't ignored me my whole life, you simply passed me off as a shield without a second guess." I could see the guilt on their faces after I spoke the truth. I stood up from the couch and made my way up the stairs to my room where I grabbed my phone and my packed bags. I walked back downstairs and said goodbye to Renesmee one last time before I headed towards the back door to leave. making sure my bag was securely on my shoulders I shifted into my wolf and let down my shield for the second time today.

 making sure my bag was securely on my shoulders I shifted into my wolf and let down my shield for the second time today

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I turned around to look at everyone and saw the shocked and awe stares due to my shift. Renesmee was in awe of my wolf, she never got to see it till now. I looked at my father and said "There's so much that you guys don't know about me or what I can do and because of that I am finally leaving." There is so much more I could have said to him but I didn't see the point, why waste the effort on them. 

I ran into the forest and made my way to Virginia to be more specific a little town called mystic falls. 

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