chapter 2

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It's been a week or so since I've left my family the journey was tiring and long, but I finally arrived in Mystic Falls. I honestly don't know where I am exactly in the small town, as I'm surrounded by a bunch of woods in the middle of the night. Searching for a safeish spot to lay down for the night was going to be difficult.

As I continued my search for the nice spot I heard a crow cawing before it flew past my face almost hitting me. Gasping in surprise, I lost my footing and tumbled to the ground. I know I'm very graceful for a vampire. When I stood back up dusting the dirt off my jeans I was attacked by a dark man with red eyes. Catching me by surprise, the man held me up against a tree by my throat. Even though I could probably take this guy down in a matter of minutes, I was still a bit scared. The only thing that I know that has red eyes are a vampire that drinks human blood.

"Don't scream" The man said while smirking, his hand still around my neck keeping me in place. "You will come with me willingly" I could feel his hand loosen ever so slightly and that's when I took my chance. I grabbed his arm and shoved him away from me taking a few steps back away from the tree and the dangerous man.

"There is no way in Hell I will be going anywhere with you" I spat, If this man thought he could just waltz on in the woods, choke me, and expect to come with him willingly, he's got another thing coming. He may be some dangerous vampire but so am I.

The man looked at me in shock as if this has never happened to him before. I took a couple more steps back getting ready to run when he snapped out of it pissed off. Before I even realized what was happening, the man threw me over his shoulders and ran at an inhume speed that would beat my fathers. I screamed for him to put me down this instant and was about to start using any ability that I have replicated recently to kick this guy's ass. Unfortunately, I was dropped on my butt inside a huge parlor looking area.

Looking around, I noticed The dangerous guy and I was not alone. I quickly stood up groaning about my butt being hurt due to the drop. The strangers looked mildly confused as to why I was suddenly here with this man. "You did not have to drop me on my ass and you most definitely did not have to kidnap me!" I yelled at the dangerous man. He rolled his eyes at me and turned to the other people and said that they had a problem. Well, it seems to me like I was the one with the problem, seeing as I was kidnapped!

"You kidnapped her Damon? " Asked a blonde female with wide eyes

'Damon' crossed his arms glaring at her. "yes, Caroline because as I said we have a big problem" He walked over to the rest of the group leaving me alone to watch their interaction and you know thinking about a way to escape of course.

"I found her in the woods and of course, I was feeling peckish, so I tried to compel her but as you can see that didn't work, and Oh yeah, she also pretty dang strong for someone like her" explained Damon to the rest of the group.

A blonde guy looking irritated sighed and said "Damon, did you even think the reason could be she has vervain in or on her?"

Now I'm straight-up confused. What in the world is vervain and compelling? I get the whole peckish thing the dude's a vampire like me. But I don't understand why Damon couldn't smell that I am not completely human. Is it terrible that I'm too curious about this situation to attempt to sneak out? "Excuse me, mind telling me what you mean by compelling me and wearing vervain?"

All eyes were on me now. The bad thing is I can tell I'm getting hungry, I haven't had a blood bag since yesterday. I can tell that not everyone in this room is a vampire like Damon and their scent isn't helping my hunger. I have to remember what Esme taught me I got to hold my breath, stop my breathing, that way I won't smell their blood pumping through their veins.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2021 ⏰

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