Rock Bottom

32 5 2

Aqua Harris

I sigh as I look back at the police station missing the cool air it gave me, before walking down the dirty steps looking inside the plastic bag they gave me to see if they gave me something a little extra.

I smile as I see a 20 dollar bill with a sub and a bag of lays chips grateful that I don't have to go through garbage to find something to eat.I quickly take the food and the money and put it in my hoodie pocket.

I been to the police station so many times I know everybody in there, and whoever I don't know it won't be long before I do. I get arrested purposely but never arrested for anything serious, but I do enough to end up here, usually I find myself here if I can't seem to find any food or a place to lay my head for a night or two. It's not the best but it's better than nothing.

Only thing I wish the police station had was a place to shower.

I always find myself wondering how things would be if I still had friends...still had my brother.

I start walking not having a clue where I'm going I just know I can't hang in front of the police station.

I guess you can describe me in one word that sums everything up..... Homeless. What's even worse is I'm almost two weeks pregnant and homeless.

I wouldn't be homeless if I did what my sister Gina told me to do, but I didn't have it in me or the money.

Not paying attention I trip over something and fall to the ground face first. When I look to see what it was I realize it's a damn pole.

I shake my head at my clumsiness before standing up to my feet again dusting myself off.

"Mommy sorry" I say lowly to myself as I rub my hand over my flat stomach.

As I start to walk again I feel a tiny raindrop hit my cheek and I know that it won't be long before it starts pouring so I put my dirty oversized red hoodie over my head and pick up my pace.

I see a group of four guys and a woman outside, some leaning against this big dark green truck others standing in front of this white fence, talking a block ahead of me and I slowly stop walking.

I look down at my baggy, bleached, and wet clothes then my oversized boots trying to decide if I should continue and ignore whatever comments they might throw at me, or if I should save myself the trouble and walk the other way.

"What's the worst that can happen" I say under my breath as I feel myself moving in their direction.

I pull my red hoodie more over my head to cover my face and put my hands in my pockets.

I walk pass the first two and only hear laughter and I ignore it.

"Yo, what the fuck is that!" This one boy yells that sounds way to young to be cursing.

I can sense someone walking behind me but I ignore it until I feel a hard shove that knocks me forward and I land right in a dirty puddle of water.

"Elias, man leave that damn boy alone before I send yo bad ass home to yo grandma" this deep voice that's full of annoyance threatens.

A boy... really? Oh forget it who am I to correct them.. I think to myself.

"Yo Sirius, help the little nigga up" a woman demands sounding like she was holding in her laugh.

Started At The BottomWhere stories live. Discover now