Norwegian Kiss

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This is the first in a series of one shots featuring friends that I have made through Wattpad.

This one features VanTIPenQueen

Therese is a girl with a troubled past.

She is desperate for answers and whilst running a google search comes across an organisation called Once lost, forever found...

This organisation helps those who have suffered emotional trauma through their life and repairs the damage using support, care and understanding from former patients.

This is her story.


As Director and founder of the institute I had overseen the introduction of literally thousands of female patients who through no fault of their own had suffered repeated emotional traumas in their life and when it finally became too much they reached out to the only hand that was left, my hand....and then the healing process could begin.

Not all cases are successful.

The trauma that is felt can often be beyond the realms of any help and there have been unfortunate incidents of rejection, wounds being reopened and in the minority of cases....suicides.

The institute was entirely voluntary and the advice that was given...entirely had overseen a success rate of 92% in its 5 year reign.

I got to work at 8am having bypassed my usual trip to Starbucks for a caramel latte and chocolate croissant because I had a feeling that today was going to be special.

I had dreamt about meeting someone who could not be reached, who had suffered extreme trauma but whom did everything in her power to prevent it happening.

"Good Morning Lisa"

Lisa is my personal assistant and has been with me from the start, she has been a really big help to me....I used to get frustrated by my lack of understanding and patience but over time it was honed to perfection.

"Good Morning Holly"

My name is Holly White, I am 49 years of age.

I walked into the office and was handed a clipboard which contained a list of the patients who had registered during the last 72 hours.

"Is this all we have name?"

"Yes......a slow month is brewing"

I took a long and hard look at the name on the clipboard and then something strange happened.....I had a vision and recalled the dream from last night 'A dark shadow was descending upon a girl who was running toward me....toward the light....we touched hands and then the dream ended'

The name on the clipboard was the name of the girl from the dream.



I rang her personally because I felt that once she got used to my voice then it would make it easier to make a connection with her.

On the second ring a voice that was so quite to be almost inaudible answered...I applied the loudspeaker.....believe me when I say this happened quite a lot.

"Therese Jakobsen.....I am calling from the institute, you contacted us by email to help you"

There was a very long was almost at two minutes but I knew she was still there, time is always a great healer and she knew that I was not going away.

"Yes.....please help"

I replaced the receiver.....she left her address and I went along personally to pick her up.....I knew there was a chance of encountering resistance and so I had instructed a friend who works for the police to come along with me.

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