here's a chapter because I'm bored

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Your POV
"Seriously, what happened?!" I asked.
I had just woken up and was in a hospital bed. (How many times are we going to visit the hospital in this story, Jesus)
I looked to my right and Dan was in the bed beside me (man that sounds wrong), unconscious.
"We're not sure yet, we found both of you on the floor and you had glass shards in your arm." Amy spoke up.
"I mean it wasn't as bad as it sounds, but you weren't awake. Obviously we called an ambulance." Dad mentioned.
"Wait, was this just today?" I questioned.
"Actually it was yesterday." Amy told me.
I had been unconscious since yesterday. Wow.
I didn't remember much.
We then heard a knock on the door, and Phil got up to answer it.
Sarah waved and smiled when the door opened.

"Oh, hi! So here's the thing, I heard about the incident."
She tried to say in a friendly tone of voice.
My Spidey Senses were tingling. (Okay I'm sorry)
"And um, you must have been in the room with all my good china, and sometimes my cat likes to break it."
Seriously Sarah.
"From what I know, you very likely slipped and landed on glass."
Are you kidding me Sarah
"But, um, I did bring these flowers, and an apology."
She pulled out flowers from behind her back.
Oh. How diddily darn sweet you are Sarah.
Thanks for giving me flowers after your 'cat' almost killed me.
She walked over to my bedside and handed them to me.
She stopped and stared at me for a minute.
I flashed her my creepiest smile.
"What are you looking at, Sarah?" I said through my teeth.
She looked shocked. "Oh, uh, um, you just look an awful lot like your mom."
I'm pretty sure she could see the sadness in my eyes at the mention of my dead mother, and she backed away slowly.

"Uh, I think I should probably leave now." She started.
Amy opened the door for her and quickly said goodbye.
As soon as that door closed, I whispered under my breath:

"I don't trust her."

Here have some more of my crappy writing because school is finally done!

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