mother sarah

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Your POV
"(Y/N), I need to tell you a couple things." Sarah said.
She had calmed down a bit in the last few minutes.
"Go ahead." I responded.
She sighed.
"Listen (Y/N), you do know that I loved your mother very, very, very much right?"
I nodded.
She looked down and put her head in her hands.
"I killed your mother."

"HOW AND WHY THE HE-" I started. I managed to stop myself.
She turned away.
"It's... It's fairly obvious that I'm an alcoholic isn't it." She whispered.
"Yeah." I was trembling.
"Look. I was...drivi-driving your mom h-home one night." She kept hiccuping. It was also obvious she was crying.
"And.. I-I had one too many drinks. You probably know where this is going honey." Sarah stuttered.
She continued.
"I was hospitalized for six months after crashing into a transport. And your mom was hospitalized for nowhere near as long because she didn't make it. She...she didn't make it. God, that really hurts to say."
I was still quiet, realizing my mom's best friend was a murderer and she was right in front of me.

"(Y/N). If I could go back and change something, I would. Oh, something else I need to confess. I deeply loved your mom."
I mean that was pretty obvious, they were close to sisters.
She laughed.
"I mean in a very homo way."
Oh OK.
"Oh. Really?" I asked.
"Yeah! I was head over heels for that woman. And, um, that letter. That letter was a love letter I wrote in 10th grade. It was for her. I promised I would give it to her someday. But... I uh, I never did."
Wow. Sarah could have been my mom.
Well, not scientifically, I was conceived by my dad and my mom so I actually would not have existed... But y'know.

"Wait. Sarah. Are you gay?" (Like yours truly author-Chan) I questioned.
"Haha, I'm actually pansexual. No, I don't like pans." She laughed.
"Are you OK with um, giving me that letter or like, reading it to me or something?" I asked her.
She sighed. "I think it's better that I move on from it, and reading it causes me more pain. So, you can take it if you'd like to. It's better for me that way." Sarah got up from the floor and began to walk upstairs.
"Sarah!" I yelled from downstairs.
She responded. "Yeah?"
"Thank you so very much!" I yelled again.

The letter

Dear (insert mom's name)
I'm sorry about what I said yesterday to your boyfriend.
I am just very protective. I'm jealous that you like him more than me.
Listen. I love you. A lot. I love your hair that I wish I could run my
fingers through all day, your eyes, your goddamn eyes that are impossible
to get out of once you get lost in them. Your delicate hands that I've always wanted to hold. Damnit, I love everything about you.
Homo intended. I swear, I'm not gay.
I'm still trying to figure that part out.
Someday I'll give this letter to you.
Someday you'll find out.
But for now I guess I'll just watch you with him, so happy.
I like seeing you happy more than seeing our friendship being ruined though. Your smile is pretty.


Allo frens!
I've been in a writing mood bc I've been feeling a lil depressed and this helps a lot!
I'll leave now
-lileh ❤

Also I really like when you guys message me it honestly makes me happy so shout out to xicekitten bc we were talking last night and I'm not sure of her wattpad name, but I was talking to someone called Anna on kik and I love both of these people v.v. much and they are v.v. amazing people

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